is it possibble that day by day you can lose muscle… I workout everyday and i keep gaining weight… but i feel my hardness going down and i feel like crap…
you need recovery time stat.
your muscles need time to repair, your probably just gaining body fat. just eating alot isn’t goin to make you recover. if you want a brick layer to build a wall, you can’t just give him more bricks and expect the wall to go up faster, you gotta give it time
Whoa. I’m not an expert, but lifting everyday… i heard it can add to the ‘soft’ feel of muscles anyway, due to a chemical something.
4 times a week, compound exercises, eating a ridiculous amount of protein, and sleeping 9 hours a night, i can’t see any reason why that won’t work.
Give it time, like the man said. Maybe you just get pumped in the gym then you’re pissed cos the pump doesn’t stay forever. Relax mate
[quote]dannyrat wrote:
Whoa. I’m not an expert, but lifting everyday… i heard it can add to the ‘soft’ feel of muscles anyway, due to a chemical something.
4 times a week, compound exercises, eating a ridiculous amount of protein, and sleeping 9 hours a night, i can’t see any reason why that won’t work.
Give it time, like the man said. Maybe you just get pumped in the gym then you’re pissed cos the pump doesn’t stay forever. Relax mate[/quote]
Working out everyday isnt bad. The whole "eat food, compound lift, sleep, repeat" thing probably isnt your case. While working out everyday works for a lot of people, you need to look at what kind of training you are doing. If you are really busting your ass in the gym, and then maybe doing some very intense cardio on your off days from the gym, then you might just be overdoing it.
IF you arent taking Surge, then start. It sounds like you might not be eating enough. Are you trying to cut?
Because this is the beginner’s forum I’ll ask it.
How much time are you giving your muscle groups between workouts? I mean, you can’t do the same workout every single day…
im giving them normal time… once a week but depending on what i eat hardness goes up and down
Maybe try hitting more muscle groups in a workout and hitting each more than once a week… but put in some off days where you simply recover?
Not really sure what you are doing, but look into some of the TBT stuff on this site and see if it sounds good.
How long have you been on your current program?
I have heard suggestions that you should take a week off every 8 or so to aid recovery and to shock your system when you start again.
I am actually taking an off week right now, because I start a new plan on Monday. The only lifts I’m doing this week is my Deadlift Max.
I forgot to add, if you feel like crap you might be over trained as well, so taking sometime off would be benificial.
I used to work out 5days a week with the weekends off; that worked pretty good when i was a beginner. Now i work out 3 days a week with a day of rest between each lifting day; that has given me ALOT better results. I am able to lift heavier then before.
rest is key
next is nutrition
Oh and don’t forget to eat a ton of sushi.
[quote]jbodzin wrote:
Oh and don’t forget to eat a ton of sushi.[/quote]
HAHHAAHAHAHahahAHAHAhaha… ill be shure…well im going on vacation so i guess…ill take of for 4 days… what should i eat during recovery…i ussually eat alot more when i train
Shit why does anyone bother with this tool? Take a look at his profile and previous threads. He eats 70000 cals a day and proved his 170lb bw by posting a pic of scale. Gee lets see, he’s a pro bodybuilder, weighs 455, 7’ 10" 16yrs training, is in the Armed forces in Europe and is 15yrs old. Guess he started training 3 months before he was conceived and he’s still a skinny ass fuck. Beats Chuck Norris. Fuckin Assmonkey.