Looking for tips before PR deadlift attempt

In two weeks Im attempting a new PR for deadlift…500lbs.
Current best is 460, been training for this round for 20 weeks, all my lifts and aux exercises are trending the right way 3×3×465 on DL, hip thrusts 5×385 etc… Started taper this week, hoping to make PR in two weeks. Im 66, 6’3" and 210 on TRT 100mg week 3 jabs a week. Any tips for the next couple of weeks and day of lift would be appreciated!

I am not much on doing PR singles for training. But when I was competing in powerlifting, my last heavy deadlift workout (2 sets of 4 reps) was two weeks out from the competition. I did some light sets (40% of estimated 1 rep max) early the week of the competition.

You should know that I was also tapering my poundage on all lifts prior to the competition. So I was also getting systemic and CNS rest during those two weeks. My last heavy squats were one and a half weeks out from the competition. And my last heavy bench press was slight more than one week out from the competition.

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What’s up with your “warm ups”, or the weights sets/reps you do on your way to 500?

You want to do the minimum reps possible, with big jumps between lifts, to save energy. But you don’t want to be under prepared for your big lifts, and you don’t want to make huge changes from your normal routine.

And is any deadlift PR acceptable? Or do you NEED to hit 500?

Would you be comfortable with something like

last warm up: 425
next lift to get a small PR in the bag: 475
last lift, go for broke: 500

Thanks for tue info. Generally worked up by 40-50lb increments. Hitting 500 is important, the whole round number 10 plate thing. Would be disappointed if I didnt get it.

Warm up with low reps. One benefit you will have is that you will be familiar with the bar, weights, “platform”, and the environment.

Now, for the biggest question. “When the weight is heavy, is your second rep easier than your first rep?” If so, your form is not optimal on the first rep. This will inhibit a 1 rep max that corresponds with your strength.

Weight choice strategy:

  1. If I felt strong, I opened with a weight that I knew I could do 2 reps
  2. If the opener was easy, my second lift was my previous top weight in competition. (This won’t apply to you because you are considerably stronger than your last PR attempt. I am guessing that you are stronger than a 485lb pull - percentage wise that is a 455lb lift for 3 reps)
  3. If I make the second attempt, I gauge how easy it seemed, and look at what weight places me ahead of any of my competition.

Let’s now consider how much energy you have tapped into. Let’s assume that you made all three of the above lifts. You want to wait at least 5 minutes between attempts.

  • Your opener is little more than an opener. It didn’t cost you anything that you don’t recover quickly.
  • The second lift would be some energy tap, but you still can fully recover before the next attempt.
  • The third lift might have been near your max. It will have tired you some.
  • In powerlifting meets, you are rewarded a fourth attempt to attempt a record. For your little meet you qualify. Many lifters have enough energy to successfully complete a fourth attempt.
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Biggest thing that has always worked for me is Mental Visualization. I’m not talking the day of. This could be the days leading up to it but especially the day before. Eat right. Sleep good. No distractions. Even wearing certain/favorite gym clothes and listening to specific music will help.

Visualize every step of the way from the moment you get out of the car, to how you’ll look when approaching the bar and when you’re in the set. Like an outsider looking in, third person type of deal.

Alot of the other guys have given great tips. I’m on the same boat with low rep warmups. I like to start with 3s and work down to singles once I’m approaching my working weight.

Don’t move them slow though. Attack the bar. It’ll look stupid when you try and make 135 fly through the ceiling but it’ll wake up your CNS. Pull fast and hard.

As for recovery, it kinda is different for everyone. I’d say a 6-7 days should be enough to be recovered from the last deadlift session but that’s also based off me.

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Thanks for the replys guys. Appreciate the insight.

Bump your TRT to 500 mg a week, lol.

According to the Epley equation, your 1RM is 511, FWIW.

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