Looking for Some Direction

This is going to be my 8th cycle. At 38 Im stepping up the game by including HGH. Im the strongest and thickest I have been since I begine this adventure 20 years ago. Moslty from the info i have gleened from this site. Please critique my Jan game plan.

(1-20) Test E\C 1000 mg/wk

(1-15) Deca at 400mg/wk

(15-20) Masteron 100mg/EoD {300-400mg Week}
(15-20) Tren A 100Mg/EoD {300-400mg Week}

(3-20) HCG 250 2/week

(1-15) Letrozole .25mg/ED

(1-4 ) (9-12) Dbol 10mg x4

(21 - 25) Test E 50mg/wk
(21 - 25) Masteron 50mg/wk

(26 - 31) Test E/Masteron {mg/ week} 80mg / 60mg/ 40mg/ 30mg/ 20 mg
(29 - 31) Clomid 50mg/day


(1-21+) 8IU HGH /E3D

(1-21+) 200mcg of GHRP-6 /E3D
{before bed}


10mg Breakfast
10mg Lunch
10mg Pre Workout
10mg Bed

2 iu Morning IV
2 iu Lunch IV
2 iu Pre WO IM
2 iu Post WO IV

Looks almost perfect quite frankly; clearly you’re experienced. My thoughts are:
1] you might consider a double dose of dbol pre workout. Dbol more than any other oral really takes like to big doses before training as an enhancer.

2] Im curious about your GHRP6 E3D reasoning. Since you’ll be on genuine HGH the G6 might not give you the endogenous spike you expect. Further 1 shot E3D is really infrequent. You might consider just using it as an appetite stimulant 2-3 times a day since you’re already on hgh for healing and recovery, et al.

3] I prefer Tamox/Nolva over Clomid but thats really splitting hairs.

4] Going right from Deca to Tren could be touchy. In my last cycle which had a very similar duration and dose level to your own proposal I ran tren for 9-10 weeks or so waited a week and a half and then added some Deca for the last 7-8 weeks. Given the longer ester of Deca if you throw too much tren in there too soon you might be steering yourself into troubled waters. Maybe stop your Deca a week earlier than originally proposed

5] I assumer you’ve arrived at your Letro dose based on experience?

Looks pretty good as is though

  1. I like the dbol idea and may see how that feels. So your saying 10 then 10 then 20 leaving the 10 before bed out.

  2. The Ghrp6 idea was based on somthing I read from bbb. He was using this setup to keep the somatostatin at a low. But your post has me rethinking now. The hunger boosts would be nice as this is a bulker. BBB, Cortes, Brook? anyone care to comment on this? Saps do you see any issues with going to 2- 3 times a day other then the hunger?

  3. I have had good results from Clomid without any side. Hopefully it will stay that way. :slight_smile:

  4. Had not thought of that. Good point. I will revise.

  5. Yea its always a crap shoot. Sometimes I need a little more some times I need a litte less. Damn estrogen and bitch tits have gotten to me a few times over the years.

Thanks for the reply I really apprecite it. I sure wish I would get some more action on this post.

[quote]caladin wrote:

  1. I like the dbol idea and may see how that feels. So your saying 10 then 10 then 20 leaving the 10 before bed out.

  2. The Ghrp6 idea was based on somthing I read from bbb. He was using this setup to keep the somatostatin at a low. But your post has me rethinking now. The hunger boosts would be nice as this is a bulker. BBB, Cortes, Brook? anyone care to comment on this? Saps do you see any issues with going to 2- 3 times a day other then the hunger?

  3. I have had good results from Clomid without any side. Hopefully it will stay that way. :slight_smile:

  4. Had not thought of that. Good point. I will revise.

  5. Yea its always a crap shoot. Sometimes I need a little more some times I need a litte less. Damn estrogen and bitch tits have gotten to me a few times over the years.

Thanks for the reply I really apprecite it. I sure wish I would get some more action on this post. [/quote]

1] Sure. There is something quite effective about dbol pre training as you know.

2] No. With G6 its total dose related more so than frequency. I get sides of insomnia and shortness of breathe with daily doses over 700-800mcg. Cutting back to 300-500mcg is my personal sweet spot. So yeah take 100-200mcg through out the day should be fine. Of course equally true your hunger/ability to gorge is also dose related. All take all my G6 at once after my workout in the early evening. I then can eat like a horse post training and for me its close enough to bedtime to get some of the GH release while I sleep

3] OK

4] OK

5] Yeah I finally got bit myself this last run. After 17-18 weeks of running pretty much a gram of test a week and 300-400 of a nor19 and the dbol. I had adex the whole time and never used it more than 3-4 times total. I was always considered very estrogen resistant or whatever you call it. But sure enough after 4 months the lumps appeared. That’s when I decided to come off or I probably would have kept going. I didnt even have any letro or even nolva all I had was adex. I spent the past month at the standard 100mg a week and have been using the adex. My left side is pretty clear and right is at least reduced by 50%. Still like so many I had to learn the hard way

  1. So as for the G6 how do you take it on non gym days? I go right now about 3 times a week but have gone as as much as 5 days a week like others do. So you where taking it 300 - 500 in one does after the gym?

5.My last cycle I go lazy and was not consistent with the letro. Low and behold the woman asked me if I was trying to grow boobs to match hers. I took a 14day blast of letro and think most of its gone but still show a litte sign on nipple distortion even though there is no more lump.

[quote]caladin wrote:
2. So as for the G6 how do you take it on non gym days? I go right now about 3 times a week but have gone as as much as 5 days a week like others do. So you where taking it 300 - 500 in one does after the gym?

5.My last cycle I go lazy and was not consistent with the letro. Low and behold the woman asked me if I was trying to grow boobs to match hers. I took a 14day blast of letro and think most of its gone but still show a litte sign on nipple distortion even though there is no more lump.[/quote]

2] I actually dont take it non gym days since Im in the gym 5 days a week on average [4-6 day range]. I am still on the G6 right now its helping me not totally crash and burn as I come off. I think I have enough to last me awhile past even my taper. Though G6 is better on cycle it can very much be used off especially if you’re using it for recovery