Hi guys,
Bit of info on myself -
4th cycle
All cycles I have been on apart from first has involved tren ace
On TRT for life
So my next cycle I’m planning is:
250mg Test e every 3 days
100mg Tren a every day
50mg Winny oral everyday
I have caber which I will take twice a week
I have armidex which I will also take twice a week
That’s what I have planned basically which I know “dangerous” cycle doing winny and tren, But I’ve done before and had no problem at that exact dose.
My main question is, And I don’t really understand it at all is I want to involve HGH. I’ve read a bit into it and my plan is to run 8UI every other day along side everything else I will be taking. Is this retarded to do? Is that a low dose? Have people done this before?
Cheers guys.