[quote]Chicksan wrote:
[quote]SteveLopez wrote:
[quote]Chicksan wrote:
Your really strong friend is wrong. Im not being mean, not trying to start an argument, thats just a false statement. There is a thread on this forum dedicated to every system out there. WSB, Sheiko, Coan, Phillipi, Smolov, 5/3/1, 3/1/5, Juggernaut, 5x5, 3x3, every other number combination. They all work. Pick one and start reading[/quote]
He also said this about the system,
"For a raw lifter, there’s not much of an advantage to Westside. The primary benefit of Westside to geared guys is that rotation of exercise allows people to handle super-maximal weights all the time. That’s a big deal in geared lifting. Unless you’re going suited, straps up every week (which no one does), your meet lift is a super-maximal lift. If, however, you’re using bands, chains, reverse bands, partials, weight releasers, etc. you can handle weights raw or in just briefs/in a loose shirt that feel similar on your back to lifts in full gear.
Using the conjugate method for unequipped lifting is just kind of silly. The stated reason is that using weights 90%+ for 3 weeks or more will lead to burnout and regression, so you have to rotate exercises to overcome this. That’s not entirely the case. People train (myself included) in the 90-95% range for long periods of time and progress nicely. The trick, as I’ve written before, is to limit arousal. Muscle recruitment gets you to about 80-85% of your max, firing rate gets you to about 93ish%, and emotional arousal is a sort of multiplier that takes you from 93ish% to 100%+. The physiological benefits of going to an unaroused max and a psyched up, true max is essentially the same. But you recover better, can train more frequently, and run less of an injury risk with the lower number. But if you’re not going to a true max, it’s not Westside.
Also, obviously, you have no reason to need to rotate exercises to keep super-maximal weight in you hands/on your back.
Westside is fun, no doubt, but the things that make it “tick” for geared lifting are simply non-factors for raw lifting."
He lifts in the 220 class and has a 1700+ total. He’s natural and also only competes in tested meets.[/quote]
The same argument Ive heard and raed about for years, yet people who lift raw, who are natural, who are drug free, still continue to use it and still continue to make progress. I am of no use to this thread anymore, good luck with your training.[/quote]
^^^\ Agreed. It sounds like you didn’t really come here to ask for advice about a new program from what I can tell you obviously have your mind already made up. Also why if you wont even consider running a program that people suggested because what your big friend said would you even ask us. Obviously his opinion means more than ours to you so why not ask him what will waork for you because obviously he knows much more than Louie Simmons ( who has trained many RAW lifters to great success ).