Looking for carb source pre workout

I know the best pre workout carb/meal would ideally be an hour or two pre workout, for digestion purposes, but i am looking for an alternative that could be taken about 30-45 minutes before working out.

Just wanting some anecdotal or personal choices. I should specify, that i am trying to avoid a large meal, or solid “food” because i take some supplements before working out that work better on an “empty” stomach.

Has anyone used fruit juice or something similar? I know candy isnt ideal, but I workout with alot of intensity, so not super worried about a little sugar before a workout, as my diet is fairly dialed in, and weight gain is not an issue. I need something to get me through the first hour or so of my workout and give me a good pump.(generally hour to an hour and a half).

Surge would be the most obvious answer here. Finibars would be another solid choice.

Outside of that: honey.

Outside of that; I pretty much never eat carbs, and train fasted. Electrolytes and water can help with getting that pump.


Yes, i love honey and use it regularly. I am mainly looking for something i can pick up at the gas station on the way home from work. So something like fruit juice would be ideal (if applicable). Because of my intensity, i do feel better with some carbs before hand, but like i said, the “empty stomach” issue is what is really constraining me here.

Perhaps I don’t understand why this has to be something you pick up from the gas station vs something you bring with you. When prioritizing health/fitness/performance, I attempt to not make eating out of a gas station a regular thing.

Are you unable to transport honey, or powders, or finibars?


I am totally able to, and may end up going with the honey option, as i always have something local/raw on hand at home. Pretty much looking for something i can get when im in a pinch, if i am unable to access the better options.

Was going with chocolate milk and have had decent results, but was just looking for some other options that others may have had success with.

If it’s just a one off thing, there’s really no wrong decision. Get a coke.

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A banana about 20-30 minutes before I lift and/or Biotest’s Plasma were my favorite pre workout carbs when I was eating pre workout carbs.

A lot of gas stations sell bananas nowadays, too. And there’s always just mainlining sugar. It’s really a shame you can’t get the original formula Four Loko pre-workout anymore, which added alcohol to the usual blend of stimulants and sugar.


Ive used Bananas also. Trying to keep to an empty stomach, but this may still work as i take the supplements about 45 minutes before i play to take the PWO… Four Loko pre workout… now that sounds interesting.

I was never smart (some might say wise) enough to try it when the opportunity was there, unfortunately. The do-gooders had to ruin Four Loko in the meantime and it will forever remain a brilliant theory of mine at this point.

I liked bananas because they didn’t make me feel full but I question how much of a difference banana consumption ultimately made in the grand scheme of things. I never barfed and got stronger while eating them regularly, so I’d say bananas worked.

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FINiBars 100%!!


Dick pills and 5 hour energy.

In all seriousness, packing your own stuff is by far the best option. But, when I was in gas station mode, Muscle Milk and pop-tarts worked pretty well.

I will personally attest that it is an intriguing combination of overly-ambitious PR attempts followed by rapid weight changes due to fluid loss.


Already got the first part, Cialis and Caffeine… Just looking for the sugar/carbs basically. pop tarts sounds pretty good actually.

Banana or a medjool date. Actually I keep the date in a baggy for a little intra-workout pick-me-up.

Once the boss-man splurged for the A&W Root Beer Float truck to come to the office, oh, about 30 minutes before the EOB horn… Best Pre evah!

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Oatmeal and Honey is my go too, keeps me satiated and gives me sustained energy for pretty much the entire session, and I train pretty damn hard.

I used to do Poptarts and Cigarettes. Not optimal.

Edit: I didn’t realize you were looking for something at the gas station. I used to eat one of those Lenny & Larry Cookies, did a pretty good job

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Fruit juice is pretty cool


Just for today, since i didnt bring honey with me (would be my first choice) I may go with this and see how it works.

Nathan Payton is a nutrition guy who works with World’s Strongest Man guys. He says to get Rice Krispie Treats from the gas station.


Yep. Way back when, grape or apple juice were the recommended juice for creatine too.


I do pineapple juice

  1. because pineapple fucks
  2. because pineapple makes… things… taste better

Cyclic Dextrins if you’re looking for the carbs that actually work fairly quickly… fruit is trash

Carbs aren’t magically readily available unless it’s a designer carb like Surge or some rapidly digested trash like maltodextrin

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