
I read a comercial article in musclemag about a product called longitude. It s supposed to make the penis bigger. The writer advises not to take the stuff for longer than three months "becouse otherwise you will be too big for most women. is this true?

Well, if you read it in Musclemag, it MUST be true!!! ha ha ha

Hey Paul, that was a good one! LOL! I’ve seen ads for LONGitude in Penthouse, Gallery and from direct mail pieces. You know, if it really worked, it would be pretty sweet because I sure wouldn’t mind having some big ol’ donkey dick like the porn stars! Who wants to be average when you can have 8 or more inches!!!?? But I’m sure it doesn’t work. In fact, I don’t know how it could. It contains Tribulus and a bunch of other herbs.

I'm sure it's like those new pills for women who want to increase their breast size. There is nothing that can truly do that. But hey, if you want to buy some and try it out, let us know how it works. They have a money-back guarantee! So do it up!

…that is, IF you honestly believe you’ll get 100% of your money back from them without taking them to small claims court. A “guarantee” is only as good as the company behind it, and if they are selling snake oil, then my guess is that they are the kind of “company” (probably just a guy who sells mail order from home… who knows) who would either refuse or delay your refund until you gave up on getting it or threatened to sue. It unfortunate, but true… many of these mail order outfits play the odds at refunds and just refuse everyone’s refund until they either give up or threaten legal action. 99% of the customers who should get a refund will just throw up their hands and forget about the refund after it gets denied rather than pursue the issue.

Do your research before buying. If it’s primary active ingredient is just Tribulus, buy Tribex instead… I don’t think it will make your dick bigger (unless you are terribly shot on testosterone… but I still don’t think it’s very likely), but it can make you FEEL like it’s six feet long and ready for action. Increased libido does make up for a lot of sexual insecurity, in my experience.

I saw that add. A 30 day money back gaurantee BUT it takes 8 weeks for a bigger schlong. Lets do the match on that one. Plus, who’s going to go ahead and sue for a refund? Can you imagine going to small claims court? “Well you’re honor, my penis is kinda small…”

LMAO! Dude, eag, that was a funny thought. :o) I didn’t even consider that you would have to TELL a judge WHY you wanted the refund. That should be on Judge Judy. haha


Read the directions carefully. I took it for four months and now I have to push a wheel barrow in front of me (ala renegade style) to stop my sword from dragging on the floor and tripping those walking behind me.

So THAT’S why you use the fifty gallon garbage bags for condoms, huh? Must mess with your mind to get turned on when you hear the garbage truck pull up in the morning.

I notice the same company also sells a “fat blocker”, a HEIGHT INCREASING FORMULA, a hair re-grower, and pills to make a woman’s boobs bigger.(Eternal bliss sold separately)

Hmm, I think I just got an idea for an article.