Hi all,
I am someone that needs very little variety in my workouts, and hates isolation work. That said, when I consider the exercises I’ve done over the last 1.5 years, it’s limited to:
Bench (barbell and DB incline)
Deadlift (barbelll and SL with DBs)
Squat (barbell and DB goblet squats)
OHP (barbell)
- calisthenics:
Pull ups (weighted and body weight) and dips, push ups, roll outs (body weight or with weight vest).
In addition, I do pull aparts/face pulls with each workout. So, my question is: is it beneficial to cycle in new exercises? My goals are: 1) keep getting stronger, 2) remain relatively lean, 3) remain injury free, and 4) sustain overall well being and energy levels. Is there really a need to add in curls, lat raises, etc… for any long term benefits? I just don’t want to look back and say “Man, if only I’d rotated in X, Y, and Z into my training over the years, I’d be better off now”.