Long Layoff Due to Neck Injury

Hey guys (and gals), so here’s the situation. I recently broke my neck in a rugby game, and will be unable to train for at least 3 months (this is probably my biggest complaint/woe-is-me-mindset regarding the injury, where I probably should be more aware of how lucky I am that all my limbs work).

Anyway, I’m already looking forward to the day my halo brace comes off and I can lift and run again, so I’ll probably just spend the time creating a monster program with multiple phases and layers, such is the destiny of the idle.
OK, anyway, my post: I’d like to get “back in shape” as rapidly as possible.

Knowing that my competitive sports days are probably behind me, but wanting to train like an athlete nonetheless, I’d say my goals would be first putting my lost muscle back on, then continuing to get stronger (I’ve already lost nearly 15 pounds in the 3 weeks since the accident, and I’m not that big to begin with; the day of the match I was in great rugby shape at 5’5/165 with [probably] under 10% bf).

So I suppose my goals, without being able to compete anymore, would be aesthetics and functional strength - not aesthetics like a bodybuilder, more like a running back.
Any suggestions on what type of programs/mesocycles to begin with?

It’s been years since I’ve done any kind of hypertrophy focused split, I’ve always been fond of 4-5 day total body stuff incorporating both traditional “bodybuilding” type exercises as well as olympic and big compound lifts. Would something like GVT be the best route for the first few weeks before jumping back into training “like an athlete”?

Ok, I’m sorry for the long-ass rant, any responses would be greatly appreciated (any kind of suggestion, long or short term). Thanks in advance.
