I’ve been logging over in the combat section until now, since that’s always been a safe space for me. I’ve recently got into strength training more seriously, and wanted to start logging my training over here. There’s plenty of guys over here whose strength and consistency I admire a good deal, and I’m hoping some of you might share some of your hard earned wisdom from time to time, if you see me doing anything particularly stupid.
I’ve just finished my 8th cycle of 5/3/1, and taken a great deload week, which has given me some time to recover and refresh myself. The next two cycles (6 weeks), the aim is to hit some PRs I’ve had in mind for a while, so the aim is to peak my strength, and continue to build up the supporting muscles.
I’m 6’1, 187-192ish lbs, been a boxer all my life, bounced around half arsing various training programs for about 18 months or so, then got on 5/3/1 at the start of the year, and have been following it since. So if I were being self-critical, I’d say I had been training consistently and intelligently for about 6 months.
In my last cycle I hit a long time target of a 168lb push press, and for the next two cycles my aim is to squat 312lbs from bottom position, and to bench 210lbs. The squat should be easy, as I did 345lbs from bottom position a month or two ago without consciously going for a PR. The bench will be harder as I am a shitty bencher and have only been doing it 6 months.
My current best lifts from the last cycle are:
Squat: 275lb from bottom position for a very comfortable single
Press: 168lbs for a very hard single
Block pull from below shins: 440lbs for an extremely easy single
Clean: 180lbs for a comfortable single
Bench: 176lbsx4 pretty comfortably
Snatches: 90lbs 3x3 - only started 3 weeks ago so still learning technique.
Rope climb chins: bw+30lbs x 8reps
BB rows: 203lbs x 8 reps
Dips: BW+30lbs x 8
Zercher squats: 203lbs x 8
Front squats: 203lbs x 8
My planned program for the nxt 6 week cycle is:
Day 1: Bench 5/3/1
Giant set (adding weight each round):
BB rows: 5x5
Low incline bench: 5x3
Weighted rope climbs: 5x10
Weighted dips: 5x5
Shadow boxing and skipping
Day 2
5/3/1 Cleans and blockpulls
Giant set (constant weights):
3x10 SB shoulders
3x50ft Farmers walk (I have two identical 5ft/1" BBs)
3x8 weighted ab roller
Heavy bag 5 rounds
Day 3
5/3/1 push press
Giant set (adding weight):
5x4 weighted rope climbs
5x3 HeSPU (looking to add reps to final set, then last two sets, etc)
5x20 DB rows
5x10 BTN Pushpress
Skipping and shadow boxing
Day 4
5/3/1 Snatches and squats
Giant set (adding weight):
5x3 front squats
5x5 Zerchers
5x10 ab roller
Heavy bag 5 rounds
Goals before the end of the year are:
BW pushpress
400lbs squat from bottom position
550lbs Blockpull from below the knees
1 full ROM HSPU
225lbs bench for reps
200lbs clean