My 1st ever training log. About time I knuckled down and recorded everything.
Starting stat’s (July 2015)
Back Squat 5x5 - 30kg
Deadlift 5x5 - 60kg
Benchpress 5x5 - 35kg
OH Press 5x5 - 20kg
Lunges 3x5 - 20kg
Pullups max - 3
Push-ups max - 16
Bodyweight - 59kg
Height - 5’10
Bodyfat - very low maybe 10%
Current stat’s (March 2017)
Back Squat 5x5 - 75kg
Deadlift pyramid up to 3x3 - 115kg
Benchpress 5x5 - 55kg
OH Press 5x5 - 35kg (untested in a month)
Lunges 3x5 - 45kg
Pullups max - 8
Push-ups max - 24
Bodyweight - 71kg
Bodyfat - moderately low maybe 12%
Goals to achieve by the end of 2017
Back Squat 5x5 - 100kg
Deadlift - 140kg
Push-ups - 40
Pullups - 15
Bodyweight - 76kg
Train 3 days every week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday/Saturday)
Eat like a pro (I plan to write out my calories in a post soon)
Post all my workouts and some of my meals.
Continue to learn and improve myself!
General Points
I am planning to join the RAAF (aussie air force) at the end of the year. As I get closer to this, my training will change for this.
I love squatting, as the weights increase I am finding it more difficult to progress in a linear fashion. I have recently deloaded the weights a couple of times recently as my form has faltered. I have also increased squatting frequency to all of my training days in the last month. This is working well for decreasing Dom’s.
My bench sucks and I don’t care! I train alone and I err on the side of caution with this lift.
I have a physical job and a high metabolism, diet and gaining weight is tough for me. I am slowly having to eat more everyday. This is my biggest challenge.
Feel free to comment and offer constructive advice!