Is it true that injections of Winstrol-Depot can cause localized hypertrophy? Sounds like B.S., but I just read this on another site: “… injecting Winstrol Depot into certain muscles has become increasingly popular since athletes have noticed that this leads to an accelerated growth of the affected muscle. An American pro bodybuilder who is known for his cross-striated, horseshoe-shaped triceps owes this in considerable part to his regular ‘triceps Winstrol-Depot’ injections”. Anything behind this?
Well, it’s a verbatim quote from one of
the popular steroid books, probably World
Anabolic Review.
In the case of oil injections with esters,
I am pretty convinced you do get a localized
effect, worth about half an inch on the arms
if used in the biceps, but I expect that this
is from the vegetable oil itself (analogous
to Synthrol but milder, shorter acting, and
completely-natural-looking) not from the
I don’t personally know if Winstrol has an
effect here. If it does, it’s more likely
to be from irritation causing a localized
swelling I would think, as with Esiclene.
The solid steroid, while in the solid
suspension form, has no activity, and once dissolved and active, is not going to be
markedly more concentrated in the blood and
tissue of that muscle than elsewhere.
Brian Batcheldor will cover a similiar topic in this Friday’s S-Files column (issue #126) only he talks about doing it with Deca. I think he’s working on a full length article about this, too, so stay tuned.