LL Prime Wed. 9-14 and Thurs. 9-15


What happened to my earlier post tonight?

Anyway, I’m here for discussion.


Got questions?


What should I eat for dinner? A protein and healthy fat meal, if you please :slight_smile:

Alright, as I hover about the Nutrition Forum, I’ll leave you with this bit of news…

G-Dubbya Bush signed a piece of legislation recently that will add allergy information to food labels (“Nutrition facts” panels).

Soy is on the list so this might be helpful in determining how much you are inadvertently taking-in. I myself have been wondering about this, as I eat quite a few high-fiber breakfast bars, as I run about like a chicken with his head cut off.

Look for the changes to start occurring sometime in january 2006.

Doc Lonman, WRT your legislation statement (sorta)…
One of the most bizarre differences I found when returning to CAN, is that nutrition data are not manditory on food!

I picked up a box of Little Debbie snack cakes, and couldn’t even see how much Caloric goodness I was getting. Maybe some day…

Cheers to you and your legislation.

Hi Zdrax,
Well, knowing nada about your intolerances, likes, etc., I can offer what I’m eating right now. You’re welcome to join in (it’s not too gourmet. though!)

Romaine lettuce
Spinach greens
Yellow zucchini, thin sliced
red bell peppers, slices
onion slices
a few croutons
1.5 grilled chicken breasts (from the Foreman grill), sliced
dressing (a little bleu cheese for me tonight)

It takes a whopping 10 minutes to prep.

Whatdya expect? You guys sell your milk in BAGS.


You know, actually, Canadians (and I’ve spent a lot of time among them, living here on the “north coast of America”) do have some more sane nutrition guidelines, though. Your healthy eating guide ("a.k.a. “Food Guide rainbow” never made any bones about whole grains like our ever-more-confusing FGP did.

Hey LL,

1)What are the best studies you have seen that might show the efficacy of a proper omega 3 / 6 balance (or even supplementation) when dealing with inflammation (of any kind: chronic, acute). I ask this because I have seen a bunch on medline and scholar google and was wondering which ones seemed like more of the landmark studies to the nutritional world.

  1. What are your current practices in regards to acute / chronic injuries and nutritional strategies? (yes, I have read your article detailing this, I’m just wondering what the doc. does personally)

Thanks for your input!

Dr. LL,

What are the physiological parameters that determine whether one is in an “anabolic state” or “catabolic state” ? (does it have to do with cortisol, etc?)

LL, when bulking one is consuming so much food(most of it ‘clean’ hopefully) that you are probably getting adequate micronutrients.

My question is that when dieting is their any micronutrients that you feel need to be supplemented with due to the lack of overall food in ones diet? Or perhaps something that should be super-dosed. Would a generic multivitamin do the trick?

[quote]the MaxX wrote:
Hey LL,

1)What are the best studies you have seen that might show the efficacy of a proper omega 3 / 6 balance (or even supplementation) when dealing with inflammation (of any kind: chronic, acute). I ask this because I have seen a bunch on medline and scholar google and was wondering which ones seemed like more of the landmark studies to the nutritional world.

[/quote]Good question. I’d have to look on my hard drive for some of the larger reviews. The reference lists in my several “healthy fat” articles are a good jumping platform for an investigation of what I think is interesting/ applicable. I also think that the thing to consider here is the sheer volume of studies: different doses, durations, subject populations, dependednt variables, etc. There’s just so much that even conservative groups like the AHA are on board. (Hey, there’s a web site to search for landmark CVD studies.)[quote]

  1. What are your current practices in regards to acute / chronic injuries and nutritional strategies? (yes, I have read your article detailing this, I’m just wondering what the doc. does personally)

[/quote] Chronic nagging stuff like my longstanding elbow tendonitis seems to respond to 1-3g EPA+DHA (taken most days). I think that, along with glucosamine/ chondroitin (at a half dose most days) the fish oil has also helped my lumbar stiffness. I have to be aware that the lack of squatting since my ankle surgery has also unloaded that stress, though.

During my ankle recovery, I was aware that my metabolism may be up due to injury BUT my physical activity was way down. I chose to keep the carb ratio down, partly for body fat control and partly because of what I’ve read about how frequently high blood sugar may interfere with wound healing. (I am bastardizing these studies to my own situation, admittedly.) I’d have to think a bit about a macronutrient ratio; didn’t record anything. I leaned on Grow bars for a reasonable PRO:CHO ratio and for convenience, doubled-up on a ‘multi’ most days, occasioanlly took an antioxident (vit C for soft tissue repar, just in case), and lower-carb healthy fat meals at dinnertime. Oh and pateince. Lots and lots of it.[quote]
Thanks for your input! [/quote]

Dr. LL,

When cutting and using the EC(A) stack, some people recommend taking the classic 20/200 E:C 3 times aday while others recommend 10/100 6 times a day?

Some people also think that it won’t really make a difference.

Any ideas on this ?

Hey marcus,
The best way to look at protein synthesis vs. breakdown in a lab is via the use of stable isotopes. “Old school” nitrogen balance (protein intake / 6.25, minus measured urinary nitrogen), unfortunately doesn’t add up well regarding real world weight (muscle) gain. The retained N (when urine N is way below intake, signifying retention) just starts to add up to ridiculously huge weight gains when we try to use it over time. No one packs on 50 pounds of muscle in a few months. The NBAL method still has some acute worth and is used in clinical settings, though.

Yes, the Test:cortisol ratio is an indirect marker of anabolism vs. catabolsim (and can conveniently be measured via simple spit collections so long as you take commercial labs’ results ‘with a grain of salt’). Other hormones also affect this status, as do immune parameters.

[quote]marcus_aurelius wrote:
Dr. LL,

What are the physiological parameters that determine whether one is in an “anabolic state” or “catabolic state” ? (does it have to do with cortisol, etc?)[/quote]

A generic “silver type” (iron free) mult-ivit/ multi-min is a good safety net when taken a few days per week, although not absolutely necessary when bulking.

Some nutrients like vitamin D (especially here in the Midwest, in upper latitudes where the sun is scarce in winter) and maybe magnesium or zinc could be sub-par. Calcium (and the fortified vit D) from dairy should be kept up and and vitamins A and C are on food labels (Nutrition Facts panels) because of the “risk” of consuming too little. For this reason, fruits and fibrous veggies, even though they add fewer kcal while bulking, should remain included as a general rule.

[quote]blam wrote:
LL, when bulking one is consuming so much food(most of it ‘clean’ hopefully) that you are probably getting adequate micronutrients.

My question is that when dieting is their any micronutrients that you feel need to be supplemented with due to the lack of overall food in ones diet? Or perhaps something that should be super-dosed. Would a generic multivitamin do the trick?[/quote]

Dr. LL,

I hope you get this before you go to bed …but who knows ?! :slight_smile:

My question is regarding cooking/eat raw vegetables. I seem to recall some vegetables are better cooked (like tomato I think) and others are better eaten raw. [I think I read the tomato thing in Men’s Health but if I might be mistaken :)]

Is there any web database/table that tells the best preparation method of each vegetable ?

Okay last one tonight. I’m toast and can barely see my computer screen.

It’s been ages since I looked at the ECA data but IIRC, it was the 20/200 approach. I can’t advocate EC(+/-A) as I am a good example of one who goes ballistic on dietary stimulants. This is not to say they are dangerous for everyone or ineffective, I just can’t even imagine the t.i.d. (three times per day) approach with ECA. I would never sleep and my BP would not be pretty. My family has a history of arrhythmia, too.

But back to your question. I don’t see a benefit of splitting the doses in that manner. The half life of caffeine, for example, is long enough to last between doses in the “traditional” approach.

Okay, good night all. See you manana.

[quote]Lonnie Lowery wrote:
the MaxX wrote:
Hey LL,

1)What are the best studies you have seen that might show the efficacy of a proper omega 3 / 6 balance (or even supplementation) when dealing with inflammation (of any kind: chronic, acute). I ask this because I have seen a bunch on medline and scholar google and was wondering which ones seemed like more of the landmark studies to the nutritional world.

Good question. I’d have to look on my hard drive for some of the larger reviews. The reference lists in my several “healthy fat” articles are a good jumping platform for an investigation of what I think is interesting/ applicable. I also think that the thing to consider here is the sheer volume of studies: different doses, durations, subject populations, dependednt variables, etc. There’s just so much that even conservative groups like the AHA are on board. (Hey, there’s a web site to search for landmark CVD studies.)

  1. What are your current practices in regards to acute / chronic injuries and nutritional strategies? (yes, I have read your article detailing this, I’m just wondering what the doc. does personally)

Chronic nagging stuff like my longstanding elbow tendonitis seems to respond to 1-3g EPA+DHA (taken most days). I think that, along with glucosamine/ chondroitin (at a half dose most days) the fish oil has also helped my lumbar stiffness. I have to be aware that the lack of squatting since my ankle surgery has also unloaded that stress, though.

During my ankle recovery, I was aware that my metabolism may be up due to injury BUT my physical activity was way down. I chose to keep the carb ratio down, partly for body fat control and partly because of what I’ve read about how frequently high blood sugar may interfere with wound healing. (I am bastardizing these studies to my own situation, admittedly.) I’d have to think a bit about a macronutrient ratio; didn’t record anything. I leaned on Grow bars for a reasonable PRO:CHO ratio and for convenience, doubled-up on a ‘multi’ most days, occasioanlly took an antioxident (vit C for soft tissue repar, just in case), and lower-carb healthy fat meals at dinnertime. Oh and pateince. Lots and lots of it.
Thanks for your input!


Thanks for the reply!

I am asking these questions because I am trying to plan out my master’s thesis (for physical therapy) and after being inundated with the importance of proper nutrtion for years under T-mag, I felt it would be a wonderful contribution to whatever is the focus of the study (I’m still thinkning of something along the lines of acute/subacute injury management)

Dr. LL,

Thanks for all the info! :slight_smile:

What are your opinions about post workout carbs and training late in the day (8pm)? I usually go to bed about 930pm. I have a PWO shake and an hour later have 2 cups of Smart start and 2 scoops of whey. I know my body needs these calories but I think that I am gaining unwanted mass.

hi Lonnie, my girlfriend was just put on some antibiotics and was told to take some acidophilus pills inorder to prevent the possible of yeast infections. she however has trouble digesting dairy products, a fact she did not share with the new doctor she is seeing, could the pills cause any upset and also if they are safe for her much would be appriopiate each day and for how long should she take them,(as long as the antibiotics or longer?)

also i just recently read a study by douglas kalman which looked at the effect soy protein had on t levels in 41 trained bodybuilders. the study showed that soy had no negative effect on t levels and that a soy/whey shake actually increased circulating t. i know you have kept an open mind about soy, could this study mean that having a daily soy and wheyy shake be just as good a using micellar casein/whey shake. one last point i believe the shake was consumed after training, the article does not come right out and say it but the inference is there.

Lonnie -

Had your dinner for lunch a couple minutes ago. Very tasty :). I used a locally produced Caeser/Asiago cheese dressing made out of Canola oil. I think for dinner I might try some ninja samurai peanut satay chicken. Mmmmm…

By the way, I know that you’ve been injured for some time. Had you been/do you plan to keep practicing kendo? I know you’re very much into eastern philosophy, as am I, so I’d be interested to hear about your experiences w/ kendo. Thank you!