I’m new here,
Hello my name is Darin.
I got into lifting because of my dad. Been lifting for a few years now. Started with free weights. Built a good foundation. Just alittle bit about me, I have a I guess what you would call a wide chest/big(I know theirs not a lot saying that it doesn’t work but I don’t think I got this chest naturally along with using the free weights, I need pull overs), but isn’t strong.
My legs are pretty meaty, decently strong, im doing my best to describe I can try to take pictures later, please don’t laugh
For the record, I do eat enough day
Last Summer is when I slimed down to a 240 to 205.
I am 17 years old.
my current bests are
365lbs deadlift @ 205lbs( my favorite lift)
205lbs bench @ 205- I was never really into bench press but I want to get better at it.
I converted over to front squats for awhile, but I liked them better then back squats, but now I’m back to doing both.
165lbs front squat @205 is my best repping front squat
205lbs back squat @205 best back squat.
any more information I will give out! just ask
what I need help with his, I can’t even get my bench to 225lbs, I would like to at least rep 185lbs by the end of summer.
[quote]toohungry wrote:
try to go heavier each week with a weight you can do…say u do 170x8 next week try 175 and get as many as you can shoot for low reps4-6
work on your triceps that will increase your bench
let time take its path youll get it eventually
ps. im kind of in the same boat
18yr old 160lbs
im want to be maxing 225 by end of summer right now im at 190 …i know far reached goal but im still working on it
225 is my goal by the end of the summer too. Right now, I am at 205 also, but my triceps suck. I always get stuck right when the triceps kick in the most. But close grip and rack lockouts would help greatly with your triceps.
I would also do some work on your form. Just getting that right can increase your bench at least 5-10 lbs.
[quote]Darin1 wrote:
TheDudeAbides wrote:
Darin1 wrote:
did I not post this righT?
Sometimes a post gets lost in the shuffle.
I really don’t think your bench is that out of proportion from your other lifts. Is there a sticking point that you can’t push through?
What are you currently doing to increase your bench? I only ask because maybe you are on track, just not giving it enough time.
bench, close grip,
some triceps excerises[/quote]
Add in overhead pressing with a barbell and consider it a tri exercise. I’ve had good results upping my own bench (which I still suck at) with improving overhead pressing movements.
I know this may sound counterintuitive but try to get your squat up. Getting bigger on the squat will get you bigger overall, and fast. With that added girth you will have more push when it comes to the bench. Just a thought.