[quote]swissrugby67 wrote:
Magarhe wrote:
This is NOT a “posing” forum. This is a “rate my physique” forum. The posing forum is powerful images etc… and I think people need to stop expecting people to come in here already with a great physique so everyone can pat them on the ass.
There are many people out there with distorted body images and this forum can help sort them out. There are skinny kids who think they are muscly and there are thin people who think they are fat and fat people who think they are thin and everything else.
This poster thinks he has made great progress but he needs to realise he can probably do a lot better. I think he has focused on bench and arms for 6 months and is wasting time doing so.
You’re right that there’s nothing wrong with rate my physique… but you are wrong because the reasons you gave are completely irrelevant.
This website, believe it or not, is a bodybuilding and strength focused one which has for aims to promote athletes of all types to excel in their domain.
Please explain how comforting skinny people or fat people falls into this?
Sure, we need to give advice to those who need it most but surely rate my physique is not where it should be. There exists a BEGINNERS thread… and it should be used.
who the hell is comforting anyone???
Dude, it is not called “Rate my Excellent Physique”
“Rate my non-beginner physique”
Putting a picture on the beginners thread means they don’t get a rating. Only with a rating of 1-3 can people get it through their heads that they are not an 8 on their way to a 10
I don’t understand why you or anyone else would want this forum limited to people who don’t need their physique rated.
BUT I would be equally happy if T-Nation had two forums one for rating people who are already impressive, and one for people who are beginners. That would be OK. But in the absence of that, why would you want to get rid of Rate My Physique, or if not get rid of it, limit it to only more advanced people? ??? why??? why, god oh why???