first pin of test e seemingly went great. very little pain going in, very little blood, but today, the day after my quad is sore. its not unbearable, but i would not have been able to get a leg day in if I wanted to today. I am supposed to have a leg day tomorrow, but im guessing i am gonna be too sore tomorrow as well. I am pinning every 3 days so should i just plan my leg day for every third day right before my pin? i prefer quads just for ease of access, I dont feel comfortable pinning me glutes as its hard for me to get both hands on there to asperate if I try to hit my glute. Honestly everything about pinning the quad was a breeze, just the soreness might make me have to work my leg days around that. I guess if Im still sore on the third day Iāll have no choice but to pin the glute, but id rather not have too.
also I am pinning 250mg(1ml) every 3 days and plan to rotate quads.
thanks for any insight!