Really Sore Days after Pinning Test


So I’ve been running test c 300mg for about a month now. I rotate glutes with every pin, pinning once a week in the ventro glute. I’m using a 23 gauge needle following proper protocol. My wife Is a nurse who regularly has to do IM shots and she does it for me. I rub the injection site for about 1-2 minutes and hit it with a heat pack.

But it never fails the most sore and tender muscle 2 days later and lasts about 4 days. I do not believe it’s infection. No redness, no discoloration or itchy hot skin. I do understand virgin muscle will hurt at first. But how long until my muscles get used to it? I’m afraid to hit the delts or quads if this is the kind of pain I’ll endure.

I’m using bioteq labs 300mg test cypionate label
Says it’s a grape seed oil base. Any advice I’d appreciated thank you!

Pinning once a week is not optimal not only for this reason so firstly, definetly switch to like e3d or e2d at best.
And also, test was never ment to be 300mgs/ml. Its 250 at most if its smth like pharma grade omnadren. So taking these artificially stuffed products, pain comes from the fact that there is just too much concentration.
So either switch to regular products or try injecting less at a time which will happen if u split the dose into 3-4 doses

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Yep, it happens. Esp with the higher concentration and virgin muscle

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Appreciate the advice. It’s been difficult because I train bjj and the pain in my glutes was really fuckin up my training. Imma get some lower dose gear and split it up over the week and see how that works for me. thank you for the knowledge.