prefacing a sentence with “honestly”, “to be honest”,etc.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
“I’m too old for this shit”
“Can I borrow some sugar?”
Who the fuck borrows sugar?[/quote]
House wives without cars…
[quote]polo77j wrote:
“That’s what she said”
It wasn’t even funny anymore when Steve Carrell did it every fuckin’ episode of the Office.[/quote]
With all due respect
[quote]Professor X wrote:
“Can I borrow some sugar?”
Who the fuck borrows sugar?[/quote]
Outkast. That’s who! (ok, not in those exact words…)
But seriously, in real life, I did have a neighbor ask to borrow some sugar once. In another place I used to live, another one asked to borrow an egg.
“I’m late with my period”
[quote]solidkhalid wrote:
With all due respect[/quote]
missed you round here, what you been up to?
Basically any viking reference.
Pretty much everything ever from Chapelle’s Show at this point.
Pretty much any stupid fucking T-Nation or 4chan meme. Any meme.
Fart jokes in movies.
And I STILL sometimes hear people say “Git er done.”
[quote]SSC wrote:
Pretty much everything ever from Chapelle’s Show at this point.
Pretty much any stupid fucking T-Nation or 4chan meme. Any meme.
Fart jokes in movies.
And I STILL sometimes hear people say “Git er done.”
x2300 on fart jokes in movies.
However Chapelle’s shit is Timeless.
“Allllrriiiiiigggghhhhtttyyy then”
[quote]four60 wrote:
[quote]SSC wrote:
Pretty much everything ever from Chapelle’s Show at this point.
Pretty much any stupid fucking T-Nation or 4chan meme. Any meme.
Fart jokes in movies.
And I STILL sometimes hear people say “Git er done.”
x2300 on fart jokes in movies.
However Chapelle’s shit is Timeless.[/quote]
I think a lot of Chapelle’s stuff is actually underplayed, but that may just be because of where I am.
[quote]TigerTime wrote:
[quote]four60 wrote:
[quote]SSC wrote:
Pretty much everything ever from Chapelle’s Show at this point.
Pretty much any stupid fucking T-Nation or 4chan meme. Any meme.
Fart jokes in movies.
And I STILL sometimes hear people say “Git er done.”
x2300 on fart jokes in movies.
However Chapelle’s shit is Timeless.[/quote]
I think a lot of Chapelle’s stuff is actually underplayed, but that may just be because of where I am.[/quote]
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
[quote]TigerTime wrote:
[quote]four60 wrote:
[quote]SSC wrote:
Pretty much everything ever from Chapelle’s Show at this point.
Pretty much any stupid fucking T-Nation or 4chan meme. Any meme.
Fart jokes in movies.
And I STILL sometimes hear people say “Git er done.”
x2300 on fart jokes in movies.
However Chapelle’s shit is Timeless.[/quote]
I think a lot of Chapelle’s stuff is actually underplayed, but that may just be because of where I am.[/quote]
[quote]Professor X wrote:
“Adam Sandler is in this movie”[/quote]
ha. yeah.
Ever feel like a threadkiller?
Shut thee front door.
[quote]Edgy wrote:
[quote]solidkhalid wrote:
With all due respect[/quote]
missed you round here, what you been up to?[/quote]
Training my ass off is what! =)
Oh yeah, still writing new material. Wrote a kick ass song the other day… can’t wait to unleash it. What’s good?
“And then I ate the bowl!”