Hey guys,
My first thread on here a few weeks back was about me being quite overweight (210-215 lbs around 35-40% bodyfat)
I have been working on my mobility and focusing on diet to lose weight. I was following a paleo stytle diet that worked for awhile then I just started counting my calories and eating a wider range of food, I am steadily losing weight at a reasonable weight.
My mobility is getting slightly better too which is somehting i am really happy about.
I was planning on running SS once I had the mobility to low bar squat and had some coaching on the other lifts, primarily power cleans.
I am starting to rethink my plan on running SS for a few reasons.
- I have no plans to be a powerlifter or competing in a strength based sport. I am just hoping to get fitter and more athletic and add some nice muscle to my frame once I have lost a bit more weight.
I want to have decent run times, decent numbers on the major lifts and the ability to handle my own bodyweight through calisthenics. I am also looking for good mobility.
I would say my goals would be in this order, number one being most important:
- Strength (250lb bench / 180lb press / 400lb squat / 500lb deadlift)
- Conditioning ( sub 20 minute 3 mile / sub 31 minute 6 mile)
- Calisthenics ( 100 pressups / 25 dips / 20 chinups / 50 hanging ab raises)
- Mobility ( completely remove all serious mobility issues in hips, shoulders, calves ankles etc)
I have no real reason to focus on any of these as I have no goals in any one that supersede my goals for the others, I might have priorities and goals that I deem more important but that is because I would view gaining the level of strength (not stong in powerlifting terms) I am after as ahrder than getting a sub 31 minute 6 mile time, which I have had in the past.
I was wondering how a linear program based on 3 sets of 10 could go, something like this.
High bar squat 3x10
Bench press 3x10
Chinups 3x10 assisted
Deadlift 1x10
Press 3x10
Chinups 3x10 assisted
High bar squat 3x10
Bench press 3x10
Chinups 3x10 assisted
These goals are not immediate goals but ones i hope to reach over the coming 3-5 years.
I am probably sitting at around 200lbs and 35& bodyfat now. I would like to know what people think, I am not aiming to be a powerlifter or an advanced runner but rather just have dencent levels of all aspects of fitness.
I am open to any advice. I am making progress with my current stretching routine and diet in terms of weight loss and mobility adnw ant to make sure I am on the right program before I get started.