Lifting with the Stricks

Previous log…

Last log FINALLY filled up. I hate starting new logs when there isn’t anything to mark it…like the start of a new year, anniversary, major change in plans. But it is what it is.

Nothing new to note except for the 15# weight loss. Still holding the 3# per week.
Also, I got my Testoterone results back from my bloodwork. It was low (296). Of course, I hadn’t been using my HCG, as I wanted to know what I was getting just from the gel. I have bumped my dose up 33% and am now back on my HCG. If my calculations are right, should put me between 800 and 1000. Good stuff.

Chest and triceps later today.

First in! congrats on the 15# loss

15# is nothing to sneeze at. What’s the medical history with the HCG?

I hate getting blood work so good on you for taking care of it.

Looking good on the weight loss! What’s the normal test level for an adult?

Soldog Wins! /thread

lol Thanks. I am trying to keep the loss at 2-3#/week, to minimize muscle and strength loss. Well, my strength is definitely down, but I think that my shoulders, triceps and traps are actually getting bigger. My wife concurs. Of course, it could be an illusion caused to the weight loss.

C-K, Joe, Schmidt… I hate bloodwork too. They, once again, missed the vein on the 1st try. HOW?? My vein is bigger around than a pencil and my skin isn’t that thick.

I use the HCG to keep my boys working, since the Androgel will shut them down. My T level was low normal when I went on the stuff, but I just wasn’t feeling right and was having weight gain and recovery issues. They have improved since being on the gel and HCG.

Normal T range for an adult male depends on the lab testing it. My lab claims it is 240-950. I have seen others at 400-1100.
When I 1st went on the gel and HCG, my levels went up to 2000 :slight_smile: I was feeling good…lol. I am shooting for the upper end of range…800-1000.

Chest and Triceps…

It was VERY apparent that I had no strength today. I ate very little, yesterday…have been low carb all week…and just didn’t have it. Oh well, still a good workout.

No point in even trying 315#

3 minutes rest

CGB - 45 seconds between sets - +10# from last week

1 minute rest

Tricep Ext - E-Z Bar - 45 seconds between sets - +10# from last week

1 minute rest

Wide Grip Bench - 45 seconds between sets

1 minute rest

Pushdowns - 45 seconds between sets - +10# from last week

1 minute rest

CGB - 45 seconds between sets

1 minute rest

Tricep Ext. - E-Z - 45 second between sets - +10# from last week

45 seconds rest

Pushdowns - 45 seconds between sets

Done and blasted.

Go Steelers!!

Love the title of your new log, Strick. Following along . . .

Thanks, Snap. I struggle with log titles. Not sure that my strength validates the “Big Strick” part, but at 6’1" and 283#, I can use my size.

285 x 5 is still pretty impressive as far as I’m concerned.

Wow that sure is a lot of tricep work. That’s got to pay dividends in the long run.

Great new Log…

lots of pressing volume trumps pounds…

Thanks Brett, Kevin. I am loving the burn. But I am starting to get used to the volume, though. So I am going to have to up the weight and look at some tweaks.
It is fun again, though. Just wish that my strength would recover.

[quote]LittleStrick wrote:

It is fun again, though. Just wish that my strength would recover.[/quote]

It will ,give it time.

[quote]bulldog9899 wrote:

[quote]LittleStrick wrote:

It is fun again, though. Just wish that my strength would recover.[/quote]

It will ,give it time.[/quote]

I know. I just suck at patience. Not that I have a choice in this one.

Back and Biceps…pre-snowstorm edition

Seated Rows - close neutral

3 minutes rest

Lat Pulls - wide neutral - 45 seconds between sets

1 minute rest

Seated Rows - wide neutral - 45 seconds between sets

1 minute rest

Lat Pulls - close neutral - 45 seconds between sets

1 minute rest

Kroc Rows - 45 second between sets

1 1/2 minute rest

DB Curls - 45 seconds between sets
30x10 - DB
30x10 - Hammer
30x7 - DB
30x8 - Hammer
30x6 - DB
30x8 - Hammer
25x8 - DB

Son of a …

We ended up with about 5-6". Dammit! Jay, OK got 25"! That was supposed to be mine!

[quote]LittleStrick wrote:
Son of a …

We ended up with about 5-6". Dammit! Jay, OK got 25"! That was supposed to be mine![/quote]

Don’t MAKE me send pics of the 4’ of snow in my front yard!!!

BIG Strick- I am dropping in to return your “mojo”!!! Hey, Congrats on the weight loss, buddy! I will continue to keep an eye on your log so you don’t slack off. ( just kidding). I’m still grinding away at it, just not posting for while. As far as snow goes, we have a pile at the end of my driveway twice as tall as our Surbaban…take all that you want! Anyway…STAY STRONG

[quote]OldGoat wrote:
BIG Strick- I am dropping in to return your “mojo”!!! Hey, Congrats on the weight loss, buddy! I will continue to keep an eye on your log so you don’t slack off. ( just kidding). I’m still grinding away at it, just not posting for while. As far as snow goes, we have a pile at the end of my driveway twice as tall as our Surbaban…take all that you want! Anyway…STAY STRONG[/quote]

Steely, send them on. That way I can live vicariously.

OG! Good to hear from you! It kind of sucked. I returned just in time to read your departure.
I hope that everything is going well and that you, at least, keep reading. I’d hate for you to just disappear.
We will be here. Just send us a keepalive every now and then.

Shoulders -

Decided to do singles today, on my ME. The heavy sets are the heaviest I have tried in exactly 7 weeks. Didn’t feel really strong. In fact, I felt weak and achy. But it was 2 sets at only 20# off my max.

Military Press

3 minutes rest

Behind Neck Press - 45 sec between sets - might drop these…shoulder doesn’t like them

1 minute rest

BB Shrugs - 45 sec. between sets

1 minute rest

Supersetted Laterals and Front Raises - 45 sec. between supersets
Laterals - +5# from last week

Front Raises - +# from last week

1 minute rest

Supersetted Laterals and Rear Delt Raises - 45 sec. between sets
Laterals - +5# from last week

Rear Delt Raises - +5# from last week

1 minute rest

BB Shrugs

1 minute rest

Seated DB Press - 45 sec. between sets

45 sec. rest



Man…I don’t recover like I used to. I am dragging a lot a fatigue along as I go. In light of that, I am pleased with th 255x1x2. Hopefully I will continue to acclimate.
Part of the problem is my mattress. IT SUX! Wake up everyday with aching shoulders, neck and back. New mattress arrives tomorrow. Things can only get better.