I do chest on Mondays, witch usually consist of bench, incline, dumbbell flyes. I do 3 sets, of 3 reps on bench, and 6-8 reps on incline and flyes.On Wednesdays I work my shoulders. Should i still work my shoulders if they are still sore from monday?
I take glutimine to help. Should I be taking any other supplements? I do work my arms after chest on mondays, should i work my shoulders on monday and arms on wednesday> Thanks for the advice- i need it
Sure, it’s fine to work the muscles sore. You may not be as strong, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do a quality shoulder training.
For grins, why don’t you alternate your mondays with shoulders instead of chest? Break the mold…stimulate some growth.
Most pressing movements for chest recruit a lot of front delt, now I don’t know your shoulder routine but you may also be focusing a lot on front delt’s during that workout too which may account for the soreness. If so I may alter my shoulder workout to not be so front delt dominant.