Lifting Through Muscle Soreness

Hey gents-

I do chest on Mondays, witch usually consist of bench, incline, dumbbell flyes. I do 3 sets, of 3 reps on bench, and 6-8 reps on incline and flyes.On Wednesdays I work my shoulders. Should i still work my shoulders if they are still sore from monday?

I take glutimine to help. Should I be taking any other supplements? I do work my arms after chest on mondays, should i work my shoulders on monday and arms on wednesday> Thanks for the advice- i need it

Maybe a day more in between, or move 'em together. I like to stretch to help with the pain.

If you were a real man you’d push through it.

[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
If you were a real man you’d push through it. [/quote]

This is utterly fucking amazing advice! I mean wow! Shit, i hope i grow up to be like you one day.


Sure, it’s fine to work the muscles sore. You may not be as strong, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do a quality shoulder training.
For grins, why don’t you alternate your mondays with shoulders instead of chest? Break the mold…stimulate some growth.

[quote]Sarpedon wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
If you were a real man you’d push through it.

This is utterly fucking amazing advice! I mean wow! Shit, i hope i grow up to be like you one day.



I was kidding…I know it’s hard to recognize sarcasm over the internet, but yeah, I was definitely joking.

Haha, ok fair plays man. My apologies.


Most pressing movements for chest recruit a lot of front delt, now I don’t know your shoulder routine but you may also be focusing a lot on front delt’s during that workout too which may account for the soreness. If so I may alter my shoulder workout to not be so front delt dominant.

Thanks for the advice!

As long as youve left 48hours between working muscle groups you should be fine. Itll just be residual stiffness i think.