[quote]CougarPride wrote:
Stats: 20 yrs 5’11, 180lbs, 8-10% bf
Bench: 240
Squat: 315
Dead: 500
Ive been used to working out 5-6 days a week for the past few years. This is my first semester away at school, and between campus food and school work, i feel like college is beginning to take a toll on my body.
Lately I have been thinking about doing a kind of MWF routine, using only compound exercises as I am simply just trying to put on mass. I am hesitant to do this though because i feel as though I will not be able to grow working out only 3 times per week. So i was just wondering if anybody had some advice on this?
My routine would be something like
Flat Bench
Incline bench
Millitary press
Lat Pull Downs
Bent over BB rows
Front Raises
Leg Extension
Leg Press
Calf raises
Most of these exercises would be performed with a BB, using a 6-8 rep range. Any advice is appreciated
Depends on if you’re doing the 3 days a week thing because of actual time commitments or if you’re trying it because you heard it’s supposed to be “all you need” or “better for mass” or something.
Generally speaking if you got your deadlift to an actual 500 on 5/6 day a week programs, I’d stick with 5 days a week unless your schedule actually prohibits it or you just don’t feel like that any more. Your hunch is most likely correct in that you feel better on 5/6 days and you’ve got more faith in those routines.
Not that you CAN’T get the 3 days to work, just that’s not what I would pick personally.
As for a 3 day/week routine, the one you posted is absolutely no good. Good Lord no. You don’t need both the variations of bench press 3x a week each.
Better 3 day/week program would be something like:
DAY 1:
Military press, strictly no legs
Bench OR incline bench
lower body emphasis: pick 3 lower body exercises (only one can be a deadlift variation).
DAY 2:
Incline bench
Push press
Upper body emphasis (pick 2 back exercises and 2 shoulder/arm exercises. NO more benching today)
DAY 3:
Seated overhead press from pins
Whole body conditioning: Pick 3 exercises that hit every single muscle between them and then do them in a circuit. Mix med ball throws or jumps between the 3 exercises (example: 1) dumbbell row, then med ball throw against a wall, 2) walking lunges, then jumps, then 3) farmers walk.)
Still, all in all I’d much rather do a 5 day program myself.