Lifting Coach or Training Center in Rhode Island

If anyone has any leads for me, I’m an 18 year old lifter who wants to get the basics of olympic lifting in a safe and effective way. If anyone has any information please post. Thank you.

Just what im looking for, thanks a lot.

[quote]tiktokz1 wrote:
Just what im looking for, thanks a lot. [/quote]


Try Glenn Pendlay’s forum and his videos and articles. Both will give you a great deal of good info.

I come from Rhode Island and don’t think anyone has a team training there right now. I will check with a friend of mine and get back to this forum. He has trained kids before but I don’t know if he still is interested in doing that. Of course, you’d have to go over the bridges to Newport(which is a long way for Rhode Islanders to go).


[quote]tiktokz1 wrote:
If anyone has any leads for me, I’m an 18 year old lifter who wants to get the basics of olympic lifting in a safe and effective way. If anyone has any information please post. Thank you. [/quote]
Hey, if you are still searching, let me know. I just opened up a oly friendly private gym in Pawtucket just off the boulevard. I’ve got bumpers, a few decent bars and kilo change plates. Check out: for my contact info and feel free to hit me up. Leo