If anyone has any leads for me, I’m an 18 year old lifter who wants to get the basics of olympic lifting in a safe and effective way. If anyone has any information please post. Thank you.
Just what im looking for, thanks a lot.
[quote]tiktokz1 wrote:
Just what im looking for, thanks a lot. [/quote]
Try Glenn Pendlay’s forum and his videos and articles. Both will give you a great deal of good info.
I come from Rhode Island and don’t think anyone has a team training there right now. I will check with a friend of mine and get back to this forum. He has trained kids before but I don’t know if he still is interested in doing that. Of course, you’d have to go over the bridges to Newport(which is a long way for Rhode Islanders to go).
[quote]tiktokz1 wrote:
If anyone has any leads for me, I’m an 18 year old lifter who wants to get the basics of olympic lifting in a safe and effective way. If anyone has any information please post. Thank you. [/quote]
Hey, if you are still searching, let me know. I just opened up a oly friendly private gym in Pawtucket just off the boulevard. I’ve got bumpers, a few decent bars and kilo change plates. Check out: TheForgeRI.com for my contact info and feel free to hit me up. Leo