Lifting After VSG (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy)

…or 5’10 and 280lbs. Yeah you’re definitely overweight but nowhere near the extreme situation of needing stomach surgery.
You are not short either/over the average height for an American adult male.
We sometimes have guys come here who were 350+ and got down to low 200s over the say 18months through hard training + clean diet. etc

Basically this is ridiculous and your doctors are bordering on gross negligence. There are several medical and fitness professionals who post whom I’m sure will chime in and have things to say.

No, you need to learn good eating habits/break bad habits/ eating like an asshole, that got you here in the first place. Then do .restrictive diets for limited periods to lock things in.

use the info on this site and you can get down to say 220 in 6 months no crazy interventions needed.
Specifically, ask the training pros(Wendler, Thib Etc) for guidance in their subforums.
Training wise do something like these…

Also read 10 Dan John articles

Diet: Do this

then down the line try this…