Lifestyle Routines

What kind of routines do you follow? A morning strategy, an evening ritual, a gym pattern? How do you choose and decide how to compartmlize your day?

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Improvisation and dedication.

So everything tends to slip if I’m slipping in the gym.
Even my “off lifting” days tend to slip if I actually take a whole day off. I’ve started doing LISS on those days to help.

I prefer lifting in the morning.
I also wake up and splash the coldest water onto my face. I wake up feeling like shit most days but this helps.
I feel GREAT if I can get an early morning walk in and let my skin/eyes see sunlight.

I had this whole thing pulled from a reddit sub with all of Andrew Huberman’s lifestyle stuff. I don’t do all of this, but I’ll repost it because relevant.



morning is very strict and the same everyday: wake up, clean up, eat preworkout meal, go for 30min walk, go to gym, go home, eat postworkout meal, read paper

rest of the day is planned the night before. I schedule work on the hour in the the slots between classes, meetings (e.g., research meetings, calling parents, weekly call with friends) or seminars
if an activity takes less than an hour, I take the rest of the hour as rest
if an activity take more than an hour, I wait for the next 1/2 hour or hour, depending on how tired I am. On Fridays and weekends, 4-6pm is for watching cooking shows

If I finish my work ahead of time, I might do an extra gym session, do some drawing and or slack

in the free time, I am usually walking while thinking, listening to a podcast or chatting with friends on discord/messenger/wechat.

shower +windown at 8pm for bed at 8:30. Only advisor, travel and family emergency are allowed to disrupt this.

I could definitely do better with being productive in the free time, but most days, I’m just tired for no reason.

The whole point of free time is to have free time. Planning your free time to be productive would no longer allow it to be free time

Free time is restorative, and rarely should it be sacrificed

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I’m definitely a routine guy. Helps me get a lot of done every day. Typical weekday:

• 4:30 to 5:30am: Naturally wake, no alarm
• Waking up to 6:00: Morning work (emails, T Nation socials), first breakfast
• 6:00 to 6:45: Walk the dogs, get ready for gym
• 7:00 to 8:30: Gym time (or off-day, catch up on little house tasks), breakfast two
• 8:45 to 4:00: T Nation office time, one MD Protein shake midday
• 4:15: Walk dogs again
• 4:30ish to 5:00ish: Make a big healthy dinner
• 5:30 to 6:00: Play with dogs until they’re exhausted
• 6:00 to 7 or 7:30: TV time with wifey, decompress, sometimes church group event
• 7:30: Sex, reading, sleeping (all three if I’m lucky) :smile: