Libido Problems and ED On TRT, No Issues Off TRT

Sad, isnt it. I dont know what to do.


I feel like I cant do relationships. Planning on sex. Popping the viagra, etc. HOPING it worksā€¦

Hate it. Itā€™s truly wrecking my life.


What are your levels if you donā€™t mind sharing? TT/FT/E2 (sensitive).

Iā€™m pretty sure E2 is the culprit for me. I tried an AI once, popped 0.25mg and woke up with a hardon stronger than when I was a teenager. Wouldnā€™t go down for 15 minutes, I couldnā€™t even pee.

I think I overshot because I kept taking the same AI dose daily. I shouldā€™ve realized that because of the half-life, seeing such a drastic change after 24 hours meant I was going to overshoot if I kept going.

I also started getting worried after reading about how Anastrozole passes the blood-brain barrier and can shut down important E2 dependent processes in the brain, so I stopped completely. But for that one day my sex drive and erections were literally the best theyā€™d ever been in my life. I also felt much more focused and driven.

I used to think the trick with AIā€™s was to just not crash your E2, but I think there might actually be something inherently detrimental to long term AI use. Nobody knows for sure though, all we know is that if you crash a womanā€™s E2 to literally 0 for years, she starts having a bad time. Basically nothing common sense wouldnā€™t already tell us.

Iā€™m about to start Test Prop to see if itā€™ll help with E2. Since E2 conversion lags behind Test, one hypothesis is that on short esters your Test starts dropping before your E2 can catch up to the T peak, leading to overall lower E2 levels, which would explain the many anecdotes about Test Prop giving much less water retention and the men who say they fell mentally and sexually much better on Test P.

Weā€™ll seeā€¦Iā€™ll update my thread and this one if I see any positive changes

ye its all about finding the optimal t/e ratio, for sure. Sometimes I hit a ā€œsweet spotā€ and oh my god im like a pornstar. Then gone next day, completely.

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Sometimes. It depends on the individual.

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I feel you. Its all encompassing and always there in my head, never goes away. Wish I could go back to old days and just enjoy my life


What is your protocol at the moment?

Like the 900mg deca only ā€œsweetspotā€ you mentioned recently?

I think your brain is fried and new dopamine hits from changing things are what gives you libido.

No, not that one. Someone seems mad.

Around 50mg every three days. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less.

But iā€™ve tried every protocol under the sun. Still have no libido.

Have you tried cream?

I havenā€™t. itā€™s something iā€™d like to try though. I get my TRT through my general practitioner. Not sure about how iā€™d get the creme.

Uve had the feeling of libido some time during ur years of trt, right? So u can get it back. Have u ever taken a structured approach to finding it? Or do you just try whatever shit?

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Fairly structured. Like trying to home in on it.

I wanna say the best time was on an every 2 week shot schedule. But it was sporadic at best.

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This is one of the things that makes wonder how some report insane libido after jumping in TRT and other become the same or worse than Pre-TRT. Either Libido is OFF or thereĀ“s erectyle disfunction.

My Libido is just fine for someone with low T. I donĀ“t think iĀ“d jump into TRT because of this.

I wonder if TRT is going can do harm in this department. But I totally agree that stability is probably not the key. This is not just about our levels. ItĀ“s about how our hormones behaved in our prime. Also, our brain send signals to HPTA almost for sure and we should take into account that when we were younger a lot of things were news for us and we felt excited about them. Libido is not only, but should probably also be a mind game too. Caffeine as a stimulant gets me excited. Red wine with the right company gets me excited and thatĀ“s not (completely) T related.

By the way, That graphic above shows fluctuations even higher than what I ever imagined. With that in mind, I wonder if Gel applications in specific amounts, 3 to 4 times a day would do the trick. Or even Jatenzo. Or using a short ester or a mix of them with variable dosages along the week. Sustanon ? Other?
Interesting topic and good for brain storming.


Ok, I was curious what percentage of guys are finding once weekly injections favorable. Iā€™m kinda thinking I may give it a try to create some more fluctuations. Not sure these completely steady state levels are all they are cracked up to be, at least for me.

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Could be on to soemthing here. I have only ever tried dailys since being on TRT. No help in this department so maybe the perfectly stable levels are not working for libido and erections

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This is what leads to dangerously low blood pressure while sleeping for me, twice weekly does nothing for me regardless of levels.

I need my hormones levels swinging and short half-life formulations of TRT.

Jatenzo to the rescue, 7 days to a steady state, 12 hours half-life. You can go through three dose increases, reach a steady state on each of the three protocols in just three weekā€™s time.

If you were to attempt the same thing on injections, youā€™re looking at about 12.85 weeks to reach a steady state on all three protocols.

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Maybe half. More guys want to start out with twice weekly injections because they read about it on the internet, so that might be misleading. I would say that less than one of four who start with once a week change.

Ive heard many report the best libido with sustanon, maybe theres something to it. However, again, I do not believe in 100% stable levels.