Libido Problems and ED On TRT, No Issues Off TRT

I dont think its due to the tren use personally. I used tren when I competed (still low doses). I doubt a small blast for a few month screwed me up, but I guess in theory it could have and I’m open to anything to get this resolved. I also have had months where I do feel better and as stated even coming off TRT I feel I get libido and ed improvements, thus it if was tren related I would suspect it wouldnt change.

I did give blood yesterday and honestly I feel like it has gotten a little bit better today as RBC was 17.5 and know circulation is key to ED. I dont think it fixed anything, but I do feel “better”.

Also, Prolactin was 11.2 so not out of ordinary. I’ve even played with prolactin meds to see if dopamine sensativity was a problem with no effects.

Anyone from Dallas have a good dr they recommend? Maybe I just need to get in and try to get back on track with all this.

Sorry man, if you find anything that helps you out let me know. I just mentioned this, but giving blood seemed to give me a “little” more life down there.

I have used AI’s in the past to see if it changed anything, but maybe I need to use again and test sooner. I seem to be super sensitive to estrogen and Ai’s.

Prolactin is 11.2

I agree with this, actually. I think secondary factors have much less of an impact than most people think.

Even in my mid 20’s, I could stay up literally (yes, literally) for 70 hours and I still had raging libido and could fuck for hours before crashing. Didn’t matter how much I slept, how much or what I ate, how much I meditated or did yoga, how much stress was in my life…nothing mattered, my libido was maxed out 24/7


Exactly, human reproduction is a stronger Force than survival. You not taking your vitamin C or sleeping 7.2 instead of 8 Hours a Night wont freaking matter when ur sex hormones are optimized.


Totally agree. 90% of cases its NOT sleep, nutrition, etc. It’s something is out of whack hormonally.

So what is it? Something about going on TRT affects libido. Then again, some report increased libido.

Totally baffled. Sometimes i wonder if ppl are going too frequent with injections. Too stable. Test Cyp was made to be dosed infrequent.

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I absolutely agree that stress can shutdown libido and i also think its a very likely possibility that exogenous testosterone could cause a stress response which in turn shuts down libido.

I have recently noticed from looking at pictures that since I started TRT, I seem to have aged more rapidly than I have in my past and in general have a lower stress tolerance, whether at work or the gym. My penis don’t work like it used to either.

Looking at less frequent injections (weekly) as a hopeful solution.

How long have you been on TRT?

That’s what I’m starting to wonder also. I feel kind of flat on daily Test C injections even though it got rid of all my side effects compared to 2x/week on the same dose.

I’m going to give Test P a try

Give it a shot and report back.

Natural test production is daily and fluctuates very much. I think some should rethink gels and transdermals more, if you can get your TT high enough at peak.

Also perhaps jatenzo

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One thing I’ve read is that natural production fluctuates a lot more in younger men specifically, and is a lot more stable in older men.

Make me wonder whether the lack of enthusiasm for life you gradually experience as you get older (relative to your younger days, not saying all old people don’t give a shit about anything) has to do not only with lower T (and other hormones) levels, but also lack of daily fluctuations.

I’ll also try the compounded cream after Test P. Jatenzo sounds interesting, I’ll look more into it

About the ONLY time i felt a little libido is when i was initially placed on 300mg every other week. I had a few days here and there where i felt it.

Most would scoff at that protocol, but that was the way the compound was developed.

I’ve seen that young men have lower SHBG usually and as we get older it natural goes up, which could explain (at least partly) the idea you’re getting at. Maybe there is something to how quickly we metabolize and store testosterone as we age?

Yea getting more and more convinced having hundred percent stable levels is just not Good for us.

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I have not done much with this, but a little. I do know a few TRT docs who recommend regular dose changes, 180, 160, 190, 200, 170, etc. based in part on that theory. Makes me laugh when reading about the guys searching to be “stable” and “steady” considering we are not like that naturally

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Completely agree.

Doesn’t TT fluctuate in the day by hundreds measurements? Why is everyone striving to be stable?

Yes, this is over a 24h period

and here we strive to have 100% stable 1000ng/dl + levels all the time? ED injections with test E or C? Lmfaooo

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Hypogonadism is the only condition that TRT if used for, not subjective feelings of fatigue.

Did your prescribe you TRT or is this DIY TRT?

Tren is not part of TRT.

Sorry if I am a little out of the loop but don’t you do once weekly injections and prescribe once weekly injections?

Its remarkable how little affect TRT has had on my libido and erections. Infact, I am fairly convinced both have suffered further on treatment


Join the club.

WISH there was an answer to this.