[quote]rainjack wrote:
Bush Senior signed the bill, but it was the Biden-led left who rammed it through. [/quote]
Yeah, it’s never their fault, huh?
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Bush Senior signed the bill, but it was the Biden-led left who rammed it through. [/quote]
Yeah, it’s never their fault, huh?
[quote]Professor X wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Bush Senior signed the bill, but it was the Biden-led left who rammed it through.
Yeah, it’s never their fault, huh?[/quote]
I never said it wasn’t. I am just not going to put it all on them. Not when we have a fucking Vice President-elect who was the main player.
You do understand that Biden willfully ignored congressional testimony from the real experts - medical, regulatory, and Law enforcement - who pleaded with him not to put AAS on the Schedule III controlled substance list, right?
Bush escapes none of his responsibility in this since, as I think I pointed out, he did sign the 1990 bill.
Why do you and others have such a hard-on for pinning this on the Bush’s?
As I said, there is plenty of blame to go around. To blame only the Bush’s is disingenuous at the very least.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Professor X wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Polish Rifle wrote:
toejam wrote:
with the new liberal congress(good or bad to be decided)what will the outlook be on hrt? will they be more receptative to it? or same old crap?
Has a liberal agenda ever benefited anyone in this country that takes responsibility for their own actions and holds themselves accountable?
The state of Politics in America is a shit pile, and the smell from Washington will only get worse.
I find it humorous that there are liberals roaming around T-Nation. It flies in the face of the ideals on this Forum.
None of that answered his question. The Bushes are responsible for much of the regulation now on anabolics and the current attitude in government concerning them. They weren’t “liberal”.
Not so fast.
Joe Biden - you know, Opie’s VP? - was THE leading Senator on getting AAS moved to Schedule III status. He was the guy who faced off with both the FDA, the DEA, and the AMA when ALL THREE told congress that there was no evidence at all that AAS was addictive, or mind altering in any way.
Blame Bush if it makes you feel better, but you voted for the head asshole in charge of where we are now with respect to Steroids.
In Opie’s defense, I have read a few blogs that suggest he might put the War on Testosterone on the back burner. I think if the mood were right Obama could actually be a pro-steroid guy.
I don’t disagree with you at all here. However, one of those guys is actually going to be president.
Maybe. Maybe not. We only know for a fact that one of the three won’t be President anymore.
No - I am not wishing Opie to be whacked. I’m just saying that the last time a Dem was in the whitehouse, he was impeached. There are no guarantees.
Anyhow, when it comes to AAS decriminalization - I am as close to a single issue voter as one can get without actually crossing the line. If Obama steps up and makes an attempt to put an end to the madness, he can’t go anywhere but up in my book.
I am still stuck on what he did in Illinois, he can’t go anywhere but up from there, that’s for sure.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Professor X wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Bush Senior signed the bill, but it was the Biden-led left who rammed it through.
Yeah, it’s never their fault, huh?
I never said it wasn’t. I am just not going to put it all on them. Not when we have a fucking Vice President-elect who was the main player.
You do understand that Biden willfully ignored congressional testimony from the real experts - medical, regulatory, and Law enforcement - who pleaded with him not to put AAS on the Schedule III controlled substance list, right?
Bush escapes none of his responsibility in this since, as I think I pointed out, he did sign the 1990 bill.
Why do you and others have such a hard-on for pinning this on the Bush’s?
As I said, there is plenty of blame to go around. To blame only the Bush’s is disingenuous at the very least. [/quote]
I’m not just blaming the Bushes, but the truth is, they are the main players. Nothing is getting pushed through if they don’t sign it and no one MADE Bush Jr make a national address about the dangers of steroids as if this is a national crisis for high school kids.
I agree with you…I just don’t think they get ENOUGH blame.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Professor X wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Bush Senior signed the bill, but it was the Biden-led left who rammed it through.
Yeah, it’s never their fault, huh?
I never said it wasn’t. I am just not going to put it all on them. Not when we have a fucking Vice President-elect who was the main player.
You do understand that Biden willfully ignored congressional testimony from the real experts - medical, regulatory, and Law enforcement - who pleaded with him not to put AAS on the Schedule III controlled substance list, right?
Bush escapes none of his responsibility in this since, as I think I pointed out, he did sign the 1990 bill.
Why do you and others have such a hard-on for pinning this on the Bush’s?
As I said, there is plenty of blame to go around. To blame only the Bush’s is disingenuous at the very least.
I’m not just blaming the Bushes, but the truth is, they are the main players. Nothing is getting pushed through if they don’t sign it and no one MADE Bush Jr make a national address about the dangers of steroids as if this is a national crisis for high school kids.
I agree with you…I just don’t think they get ENOUGH blame.[/quote]
I agree - the 2004 amendment to the bill was all GWB. He gets all of that blame along with the republican congress that pushed the bullshit through - with the help of Bud “could I be a bigger fucking pussy” Selig.
But Bush Senior was a minor player. The 1990 bullshit was pretty much all the democrats. Yeah, he signed the bill - but if my memory serves me correctly - the bill passed with more than enough votes to overturn a veto. So Bush Senior signing it was really a non-issue.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Professor X wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Professor X wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Bush Senior signed the bill, but it was the Biden-led left who rammed it through.
Yeah, it’s never their fault, huh?
I never said it wasn’t. I am just not going to put it all on them. Not when we have a fucking Vice President-elect who was the main player.
You do understand that Biden willfully ignored congressional testimony from the real experts - medical, regulatory, and Law enforcement - who pleaded with him not to put AAS on the Schedule III controlled substance list, right?
Bush escapes none of his responsibility in this since, as I think I pointed out, he did sign the 1990 bill.
Why do you and others have such a hard-on for pinning this on the Bush’s?
As I said, there is plenty of blame to go around. To blame only the Bush’s is disingenuous at the very least.
I’m not just blaming the Bushes, but the truth is, they are the main players. Nothing is getting pushed through if they don’t sign it and no one MADE Bush Jr make a national address about the dangers of steroids as if this is a national crisis for high school kids.
I agree with you…I just don’t think they get ENOUGH blame.
I agree - the 2004 amendment to the bill was all GWB. He gets all of that blame along with the republican congress that pushed the bullshit through - with the help of Bud “could I be a bigger fucking pussy” Selig.
But Bush Senior was a minor player. The 1990 bullshit was pretty much all the democrats. Yeah, he signed the bill - but if my memory serves me correctly - the bill passed with more than enough votes to overturn a veto. So Bush Senior signing it was really a non-issue.
I look forward to the day Selig keels over…
Not so fast.
Joe Biden - you know, Opie’s VP? - was THE leading Senator on getting AAS moved to Schedule III status. He was the guy who faced off with both the FDA, the DEA, and the AMA when ALL THREE told congress that there was no evidence at all that AAS was addictive, or mind altering in any way.
Blame Bush if it makes you feel better, but you voted for the head asshole in charge of where we are now with respect to Steroids.
In Opie’s defense, I have read a few blogs that suggest he might put the War on Testosterone on the back burner. I think if the mood were right Obama could actually be a pro-steroid guy.[/quote]
It’s unbelievable that they made AAS schedule III. Our prison population wasn’t big enough, I guess.
[quote]PRCalDude wrote:
Not so fast.
Joe Biden - you know, Opie’s VP? - was THE leading Senator on getting AAS moved to Schedule III status. He was the guy who faced off with both the FDA, the DEA, and the AMA when ALL THREE told congress that there was no evidence at all that AAS was addictive, or mind altering in any way.
Blame Bush if it makes you feel better, but you voted for the head asshole in charge of where we are now with respect to Steroids.
In Opie’s defense, I have read a few blogs that suggest he might put the War on Testosterone on the back burner. I think if the mood were right Obama could actually be a pro-steroid guy.
It’s unbelievable that they made AAS schedule III. Our prison population wasn’t big enough, I guess. [/quote]
…which is why you can’t blame “liberals”. Yes, that was retarded. I am not even sure what public mess initiated such a response other than lobbyists not being present in high enough numbers.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
PRCalDude wrote:
Not so fast.
Joe Biden - you know, Opie’s VP? - was THE leading Senator on getting AAS moved to Schedule III status. He was the guy who faced off with both the FDA, the DEA, and the AMA when ALL THREE told congress that there was no evidence at all that AAS was addictive, or mind altering in any way.
Blame Bush if it makes you feel better, but you voted for the head asshole in charge of where we are now with respect to Steroids.
In Opie’s defense, I have read a few blogs that suggest he might put the War on Testosterone on the back burner. I think if the mood were right Obama could actually be a pro-steroid guy.
It’s unbelievable that they made AAS schedule III. Our prison population wasn’t big enough, I guess.
…which is why you can’t blame “liberals”. Yes, that was retarded. I am not even sure what public mess initiated such a response other than lobbyists not being present in high enough numbers.
I think it was the massive amounts of moron athletes who turned up positive at the same time and then started squealing on one another to avoid longer jail sentences.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
PRCalDude wrote:
Not so fast.
Joe Biden - you know, Opie’s VP? - was THE leading Senator on getting AAS moved to Schedule III status. He was the guy who faced off with both the FDA, the DEA, and the AMA when ALL THREE told congress that there was no evidence at all that AAS was addictive, or mind altering in any way.
Blame Bush if it makes you feel better, but you voted for the head asshole in charge of where we are now with respect to Steroids.
In Opie’s defense, I have read a few blogs that suggest he might put the War on Testosterone on the back burner. I think if the mood were right Obama could actually be a pro-steroid guy.
It’s unbelievable that they made AAS schedule III. Our prison population wasn’t big enough, I guess.
…which is why you can’t blame “liberals”. Yes, that was retarded. I am not even sure what public mess initiated such a response other than lobbyists not being present in high enough numbers.
Might as well blame the Republican who initiated the war on drugs, Nixon, or Mr. and Mrs. Reagan who propagated the “Just Say No” bullshit. Because, honestly, the Congress was only making steroids illegal with the precedent that previous administrations set up.
Look at the issue now. How many conservatives in Congress support legalization of steroids? Both sides are wrong on this issue, not just liberals.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
…which is why you can’t blame “liberals”. Yes, that was retarded. I am not even sure what public mess initiated such a response other than lobbyists not being present in high enough numbers.
Lyle Alzado’s bullshit in the mid-late 80’s started it.
Then MLB made mad crazy amounts of money off the homerun derbies of McGwire and Sosa in the late 90’s. When Barry Bonds showed up to blast McGwire’s HR record, Bud “could I be a bigger pussy” Selig decided enough was enough - and started his crusade to cleanse baseball of the evils of AAS.
That was the public messes that started this shit. Blame baseball. Blame Bud “could I be a bigger pussy” Selig. Blame the demovrat congress of 1990. Blame GWB and the republican congress of 2004.
fuckin’ bodybuilders. can’t you find real issues to be upset by?
[quote]Amused59 wrote:
fuckin’ bodybuilders. can’t you find real issues to be upset by?[/quote]
Why are you here?
Good question. Someone informed me this was a great site for strength training. Instead, I find a bunch of prima donnas who look like they have a penchant for gay porn and conservative politics. You guys do know that shit makes your nuts shrink doncha?
[quote]Amused59 wrote:
Good question. Someone informed me this was a great site for strength training. Instead, I find a bunch of prima donnas who look like they have a penchant for gay porn and conservative politics. You guys do know that shit makes your nuts shrink doncha?[/quote]
You’re obviously too smart for this forum, especially PWI. Here’s a better on for you that’s less into “gay porn and conservative politics” that would be better for you:
Sigh. Another ignorant moron.
[quote]Amused59 wrote:
Good question. Someone informed me this was a great site for strength training. Instead, I find a bunch of prima donnas who look like they have a penchant for gay porn and conservative politics. You guys do know that shit makes your nuts shrink doncha?[/quote]
Stop eating shit then.
[quote]Amused59 wrote:
Good question. Someone informed me this was a great site for strength training. Instead, I find a bunch of prima donnas who look like they have a penchant for gay porn and conservative politics. You guys do know that shit makes your nuts shrink doncha?[/quote]
Why are you so concerned about testicles?
You are one ignorant fuck.
[quote]Amused59 wrote:
Good question. Someone informed me this was a great site for strength training. Instead, I find a bunch of prima donnas who look like they have a penchant for gay porn and conservative politics. You guys do know that shit makes your nuts shrink doncha?[/quote]
Well if that’s the case, why don’t you fuck off.
[quote]Neuromancer wrote:
Amused59 wrote:
Good question. Someone informed me this was a great site for strength training. Instead, I find a bunch of prima donnas who look like they have a penchant for gay porn and conservative politics. You guys do know that shit makes your nuts shrink doncha?
Stop eating shit then.[/quote]
And the best response award goes to…