Lee said he’s only 10 lbs less today than he was back in his competition days. He admitted that he’s now roid free, and that he probably didn’t really need them back when he was competing.
Almost as good as the “I took them but they didn’t do anything for me” line
I would most certainly watch that.
So Levrone was scheduled to do a sit down interview with Dave Palumbo this past week, but at the last minute, Steve Blechman (from Muscular Development Magazine), who has Levrone under a $4K/month contract put the kibosh on it so he could have his own staff (Bob Chic & Peter McGough) conduct their own interview.
Such drama! -lol
Still waiting on some story so Kev can suddenly withdraw from the contest.
Damn… I was really looking forward to that Levrone interview (with Palumbo)… wtf else am I gonna do with my commute? Wait for the next geard up I suppose sigh
We need a reality TV show for all this lol…
Interesting Yes, Exciting Yes
I was a huge Levrone fan in the 90’s
Looking forward to what he can put together!
I saw him at Arnold classic in 01 or 02 nice guy . Could move some freek weights, i thought he would have to qualify first. Drug free no, he admitted his stuff was made for him by a chemists, not the regular ug gear, 5 years ago in his levrone report. Sorry for my english I am at work don’t have much time.
No doubt. He was one of my all time favorites. When I did well in my first contest, the gym owner took down a Levrone poster from an issue of Flex magazine that he had hanging behind the front desk and replaced it with a photo of me. As proud as I was, it didn’t seem quite right -lol
Kevin just recently did an interview with MD and seems to be putting things together… I could be very wrong here, but I seem to recall that he’s doing his prep in Iran?
It would probably help a lot of the guys competing to do their preps in camel crew territory if they could afford to do so…
I believe Dennis James was big on training and prepping in Thailand back when he was still competing, I always assumed because of the policies on PED usage.
Bodybuilding is very big in the Middle East as well as India.
That makes a lot of sense… I had a couple of friends who used to do that for shows around the year 2000.
Last week I was telling someone close to me that I wouldn’t be surprised if Kevin pulled out last minute, but after seeing the interview last night I can’t help think he may actually do pretty well.
Some people might write him off, but he might actually be at an advantage over some of the other guys if he has access to higher end fuel
I’m always hearing stories about how well Amateurs are treated over there, so much so that it’s better for them to NOT earn their IFBB Pro cards.