[quote]lothario1132 wrote:
Digital Chainsaw wrote:
lothario1132 wrote:
In reality, the guns tend to be in the hands of the bad guys and not the victims because folks think that cops have magic powers or that nothing bad like a mugging or rape could ever happen to them, so they don’t prepare for the worst.
Man, I’ve written/used this exact sentiment so many times I’ve lost count. Hope someone perfects that “good-guys-only” force field technology soon so we can have “safe neighborhoods”.
True, brother. It’s like people project this illusion of safety around themselves, as long as they haven’t been exposed to real violence, or if they think that they aren’t in a “dangerous” place.
“I don’t need to know how to fight. I don’t need to carry a weapon, I only associate with ‘good’ people.”
And that illusion is what makes them easy prey. The reality is that the food chain isn’t gone, it’s just been changed from teeth and claws into knives and guns, and the hunger which drives the predator is just as strong as it’s always been.
One time a crackhead broke into my car right in front of two cops standing thirty feet away. He was so desperate and high and wanted more junk that he didn’t even care. Needless to say, he was caught rather quickly, LOL and I had to give a statement, etc. His total take: the change from my console totalling a whopping five dollars or so. Yeah, that’s worth going back to jail for.
You can’t reason with these kinds of people. When that cheetah charges an antelope, the antelope isn’t saying “wait, now, is this really fair?” I’d like to meet the guy who talked his way out of a carjacking or the woman who used words to convince a rapist or mugger that he is wrong for attacking her, and thus defused a potentially harmful or lethal encounter with her debate skills.[/quote]
Well said.