Have anyone noticed less aromatization to estrogen the longer you are on?
I was discussing this with a friend of mine a few days ago. Both of us seem to have less “estrogen symptoms” as the years ago on - despite using same, or even higher dosages.
Now, bare in mind, we are both roid monkeys and our dosages when it comes to test ranges from 125mg to 2g depending on the time of year and blabla.
Reason Im asking is: I remember when I first started test, I got bloated quickly, BP spikes, feeling emotional, irritated, limp noodle even on 200mg of test, making me push the AIs hard.
Nowadays, I can do 1g of test with almost zero bloat, zero emotional instability, zero irritation - the only problem is the noodle cock but thats another story.
He is the same. In the very beginning he had to use a shit ton of AIs running 500mg of test. Nowadays, nothing.
What is going on here?
Is there any studies about this?
Anecdotes? What are your experiences, TRT users or fellow gear monkeys, what is up?
And Im not even neccesarily leaner than before.
Well, I guess some times, but many times Im 15% bodyfat pushing the food like mad eating like a crazy cow trying to grow … but no, little to none high e2 symptoms … meanwhile, in the very beginning I had bloat and emotional issues on 250mg test.
Gimme ya thoughts