Guys, here is my situation, please comment if you think you can help
I have been on daily sub q injections for well over a year. At first I did them in my delt with a 1/2 long syringe. I could not manage my E2, I found I am an over responder and arimidex makes me feel really bad, I absorb it too fast.
I switched injection sites to my ass / hip fat area and I after 5 days I felt my test come back up and things were getting better and stable. I was injecting 10mg / day everyday not using an AI. This worked well but I felt a little flat and honestly I could not feel the advantage of TRT.
I upped the dose to 12mg / day and everything got better and stayed great for about 6 or 7 weeks.
I felt the effects of high E2 creep in. For me this is water retention, excess belly fat, reduced sex performance, and a poor muscle pump in the gym. I figured my E2 slowly crept up on me, and like boiling the frog I never notice until its really high. I took 1/4 of an aromasin and I completely crashed my E2. I feel like its in the low single digits. Didn’t draw blood, but I’ve done this before and its way down there. Been a week and its slowly coming back but at snails pace. I guess the E2 wasn’t as low as I thought or I my body had a reaction to the AI. I am a very med sensitive person.
To put some numbers to it, when I was doing daily sub Q in my delt I was injecting 12mgs / day everyday and my total test was an 890, my E2 was a 79. This felt only marginally bad, I probably could have lived with it. My doctor and friends say living with a E2 of 79 is no good, so I tried their suggestion of the ass fat injection site area. They tell me fat is so much less vascular than my delt that the absorption is slower and therefore no spike in conversion, so a lower total estrogen and specifically a lower E2 number.
I’m just not sure. Did anyone have an experience like this? Small amounts of test make large increases in blood syrum levels and I seem to over respond to any amount of an AI.
thoughts? (sorry this was so long)