Leg Injured-Upper Body Program

So I had an operation on my ankle and I wont be able to bear any weight on it for 8 weeks, really can’t get back to legs for another 12 at least. I wanted some recommendations for a program in the meantime. I really want to focus on getting my bench up and my pull-up stronger. I can’t work legs so I might as well focus on and blast my upper body. I go to school and am not working as I can’t stand… I have lots of time to recovery and my diet is solid. Because of this I feel I can get away with quite a bit of frequency and volume. I will take full advantage of recovery techniques and pre and post WO nutrition.

Currently -

195x1 max bench
10-12 strict dead hang pulls

I wanted to base the workouts around the following exercises -

BB bench variations
DB bench
seated OH pressing
tricep pull downs
db curls

I can’t do any standing rowing.

My questions are -

If I want to workout upper body 4 or 5 days/week what are some options for volume and intensity ?

Full upper body each day or push/pull split ?

Basically, what would you do if you wanted to hyper-focus on bench and pull-ups for 12 weeks? If you had to increase those two lifts as much as you could in that time period?

Also- I’m working off some nice muscle memory and should be able to make quick gains. A year ago I was a fair bit heavier and a fair bit stronger. I have been pretty much out of the gym for the last while for various reasons so I have lost a lot of weight.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Try smolov jr, for bench. I did this for oh press, after my knee surgery this past fall. I also did pull ups during or after the sets each day, as well as some extra arm work (light) a few times a week as well. Couple this with an agressive rehab routine, and you will not be disappointed.

Thanks for the recommendation. I found the program and just now drew myself up a little spreadsheet. Pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Looks exciting.

[quote]tmay11 wrote:
Thanks for the recommendation. I found the program and just now drew myself up a little spreadsheet. Pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Looks exciting. [/quote]

I know this is an old post but do you still have that spread sheet? I am recovering from a broken ankle and have about 5 weeks till I can start putting weight on it.

PM me if you do.

I’ll continue talking to myself in this thread since it’s only been a minute since my first post. Haven’t posted on here in a year or so, so the photo surprised me as it is from 3 years ago and I myself have lost some weight.

I need a program to get back to where I once was. Oh and a lot of calories

You should be able to find it by google searching “smolov jr spreadsheet”. If you aren’t already benching at least 2x a week then it might be a good idea to first run the two-week introductory microcycle from the full Smolov program to ease into the high frequency and volume.

if you bench 195 and weigh 175 you dont need to run smolov jr for bench