Left-sided pain

Dealing with left-sided pain that extends from my low back to my neck and head, shoulder, elbow, and wrist. Sometimes it extends down to my left knee. The tension shifts around but lately it’s the low back and elbow that bother me the most, interfering with my training. It all started with a left sided groin pull from several years ago. The left groin pull set me up for further injury. fter that I injured my left lower back, left upper back, left knee. Then on a separate occasion I injured both of my elbows at once, and my elbows and wrist have been fucked up for the past 5 years, but it’s worse on the left. Help! I want to get big but these injuries have hindered my progress for years.

What are you doing that’s getting you hurt so consistently?

This sounds like a compensation problem.

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Even though you have named body parts, Andrewgen_Receptors asks a valid question, “What are you doing that’s getting you hurt so consistently?”.

First and foremost, and maybe you have, seeing a sports medicine doc (or orthopedist) might be a start. There could be an underlying condition? Second what type of training are you doing now? If your elbows are an issue, you might need to scrub presses and concentrate on pulls and find a good pullover machine. Low back is the bitch. As you know. Maybe leg press, leg extensions, leg curls. Use medium weight, higher reps on your lifts. This may not turn you into a brute, but keep you in the game.

I do not know shit from shinola. It could be how you sleep. It could be your job. Get a good physician who specializes. Your GP will likely refer you.

Good luck to you.

I’m not getting hurt constantly I just have these lagging injuries that get in the way and I have to train around. I’m gonna try getting PRP for it but I also want to try and figure out other methods to work on it.

That response time tho

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