I realize this might be an extremely elementary base subject, but I’m hoping I’ll learn something here.
I’m not heavily politically inclined. I start and end with my basic rights, and while I do have my own opinions on certain policies, they are strictly based on moral values. I honestly dont really know what side I lean towards naturally anymore. Nor do I care.
But at the most base value…
Why does absolutely everyone on both sides seem to be taking such an extremist stance? “Trumptard, Libtard, Fuckin Libs” Etc. Everyone claims to vote in self interest and personal values, meanwhile, everyone of those same people refer to the opposing party in the most derogatory manner possible. This place is no different. I feel like a leper in most conversations because I can say:
“Trump has been great for my local economy, the housing and labor industries are booming at a rate I’ve never seen”
“I think Trump is an insufferable human being, with the most fucked moral compass I’ve ever seen”
…in the same breath.
Barring the fact there weren’t ever supposed to be parties…
I thought the point of parties was to swing and keep checks and balances?
at least currently
Conservatives generally keep things controlled and help the economy in their terms, while Liberals tend to be more progressive and help us adapt to the needs of the people.
However, instead:
Liberals are turning our country socialist and trying to put government hands in everybody’s pockets, and conservatives are turning it into Nazi America, not allowing us to progress as a people… and racist?
And the media is firing off on it, actually seeming to try to appeal to these views. As are the candidates.
Most obvious examples:
Trump: yeah, he comes off as kind of a racist dickbag. Anti-Vape, Pro-Life, Anti-immigrant… hot issues that require more nuance than just plainly following with shitty tweets without any context.
Bernie: Has some progressive thought with his stance on legalization and the like… also comes off as a communist trying to get the governments hands in absolutely everything that could be considered the basest of human rights, like healthcare.
I guess… what are your thoughts on why this has taken the aggressive turn that it has? Is it a generational thing? Or is it just inevitable on the advent of the technological age?