Lee Priest

Did anyone else enjoy the interview with Lee Priest? At first I thought that it was going to be an interview like the one of Mike Menzter. I started reading waiting for the jokes to begin but found myself really getting into what he had to say. I always assumed that most of these guys wouldn’t have much to say but I now find myself thinking that, if men like Lee had a better forum in which to speak,(such as the T-mag interview), we would benefit from what they have to say. Maybe I was duped, but if you guys at T-mag have any other interviews like that in mind, I would love to see them. What do you all think? John Koenig - thanks.

I totally agree. I have a new found respect for Lee Priest, and I certainly cannot say that I respect most of the other bodybuilders out there. He really seems genuinely dissatisfied with the industry, and I think that his opinion is full justified. I look forward to future interview with Mr. Priest and others.


I’ve always had a thing for Lee (not that kinda thing). He’s always been inspiration for me. He’s a short glutton who ballons up in the off season… Who cares? I never want to look like him, or any other IFBB Pro; but he manages to keep it real.

Hooray for Lee Priest, finally someone has the balls to tell it like it is. I have always admired Priest for his ruthless pursuit of the Olympia, despite corruption in Weider’s so called organization. Listening to him speak has wetted my appetite to stay in the gym. I look forward to more interviews by the pros who want to speak the truth. Thank you, T-crew, for bringing this piece to us. God bless!

It would be pretty cool if T-mag could interview Lee Labrada. Except for maybe Shawn Ray, Labrada was the last true aesthetic physique in bodybuilding. At well under 200lbs he placed top 4 in seven consecutive olympias. He was very scientific about his training and diet, and many say a minimalist when it came to drug use.

Lee Priest is awesome!! When I realised that the interview was with Lee Priest (and a good long interview with good questions too) I freaked out! He is truely an inspiration – and a big thanks to John and the rest of T-mag for bringing us that interview!

I had lost all respect for the “pro body builders”… until I read the interview with Lee Priest!! I am looking forward to some more of the same type of interviews. Great job!

I totally agree. I would also like to see interviews with Shawn Ray (another guy not afraid to speak his mind), Lee Labrada, Frank Zane and some of the other upper-end-of-the-IQ-spectrum competitors, both past & present. Dorian would probably have some good honest stuff to say, now that he’s not competing any more. If T-mag does it right, they have the potential to become the “Playboy Interview” of the bodybuilding world - an important niche that sorely needs filling at the moment. No one else seems to be as in-depth, has the space and the knowledge to ask really good questions and then give room for an equally good response.

I still think Priest is a meathead. The guy takes massive amounts of drugs. Pros used to deny they took drugs. Now, as in the case with Lee, he doesn’t take that much. C’mon. If you’re going to be honest, don’t skirt about the issue by saying you don’t do as much as so and so. Sure, I give credit to Lee for being somewhat candid, but not enough, IMO. I found the article funny. No more pro bodybuilder interviews for me.

I’ve always been a fan of Lee Priest. I recall seeing him at a night club a couple years ago. I was fairly drunk at the time; and in all likelihood, from a sober persons perspective, as annoying as a drunk person can get :slight_smile: But Lee didn’t mind me coming by to say “what up” and doing a drunken rant about his placing in the recent Mr. Olympia . I wish for T-mag to do more interviews with IFFB pro’s willing to speak out.

For the guy that called Priest a meathead, then I guess I could call you a moron. Do you live with Lee Priest? Do you follow him around to see how many drugs he puts into his system? I didn’t think so. I know a guy who used to live with Lee Priest, and I was informed that he did not partake in much drug usage; especially at the elite athlete level. I was flabbergasted, and I thought no way he could get that massive without lots of juice…but now, I’m a couple of years older and many years wiser. I believe the drug usage is an unnecessary myth. I will acknowledge the fact that these guys use much more gear than the average bear, into the 1-2 gram levels, but to think they would go higher is absurd. If I can gain 35 lbs on a 5 week cycle of Test enanthate, surely they can gain that size or more on more exotic and powerful drugs. There are, however, a few guys that HAVE to be mega juicing, and we all know who they are.

Hell, you can see their internal organs pressed so hard against their lower backs that you can see the outline of their kidneys and liver. But these guys never place close to the top. I will say that I am deeply disappointed with Ronnie Coleman being an Olympian. Go back and look at the pics closely. Anyone see gyno? I do. Anyway, thank God that there are honest people like Priest to separate the fact from the fiction.

Let me clear something up. I just learned that the earth was round. Oh, I also learned that just because someone says something, doesn’t make it true. There is massive drug use in professional bodybuilding and any attempt to dismiss it is ridiculous. Anyway, jd, you’re right. I should just take what valuable life lessons these pro bodybuilders have, and try to imitate them.

Perrogrande, I believe that if you have the genetics it is possible to get really huge without roids. Heck, even with non-elite genetics you can get relatively big from eating.

I recently read an interview with Reg Park where he said that if he was young today, he’s go after the top guys naturally. He said that you don’t need roids to get big in any case. The tricky part (I beleive) is keeping that mass when dieting down for a contest, that’s where roids help the most.

Just to add something from my own experience… when I was on the warrior diet, prohormones had a huge effect on me. Now that I’m eating every two hours I feel nothing from them, so I stopped using em. Perhaps I’m delusional about this whole thing… I hope not.

Okay, I guess I’m going to have to change my handle as apparantly there are two perrograndes on this board, so to cut down on confusion, I will now be ekul. Anyways, I wanted to say that the post on Sept 8 did not reflect my views, but a view of a different perro. My view still stands that bodybuilders don’t need massive amounts of juice to get big. A little juice goes a long way. I do admit that they use gram or more amounts, but so do some of us weekend warriors. The only reason I haven’t gone to a gram (yet) is b/c I can not afford it. If it were my job, that would be a different story. I say, the Hell with it, let people do what they want with their bodies. If I want to walk around with 10 redi-jects protruding from my ass, so be it. We have a very short time here on Earth, live it the way you want to. Who cares what all the other self-centered, jealous assholes think. Just my two cents.