Hey all,
I know this is downright blashpemy, so i beg your forgiveness in advance, but i am considering changing my workout routine because…I’m too big.
I’ve always gained size and strength very easily and can bulk up fast. I’m 33 and i’ve been training pretty much the same way for about 20 years.
Breaking out bodyparts and hitting them exclusively per workout. Basic bodybuilding training.
Typically my workouts are:
Chest and bis
Shoulders and Tris
I am considering switching to a full body workout every other day in which you choose one exercise per body part and do 3-4 sets of 8, hitting every muscle every other day as opposed to blasting each muscle group for an hour once a week.
Each workout i would do a new exercise for the bodypart.
Example: Bench the first workout. Rest day. Cable flyes. Rest day. Hammer Incline press. Rest day. Cable Flyes. Rest day. Bench. Etc…
My goal is to get a leaner, tighter muscular body than the bulky muscular body i presently have.
Has anyone else made a switch like this, and what does everyone think the result will be?
[quote]sasquatch wrote:
Phil is right on about keeping that diet in check along withnyuor goals.
However, with such little info given, it is hard to give much advice.
Current weight? Goal weight? Current strength levels? Aprox. fat levels?
I mean how can we tell you how to help achieve your goals when we don’t know where you’re at or where you are goin?
Thanks so far guys.
My stats:
Bench: I don’t max, but recent numbers are 275 for sets of 6. I’ve recently cut that way back though to doing lighter weight, more reps and sets with a wider grip. 225-250.
Squat: Leg injuries have held me back, so i’ve only been doing reps w about 225.
Deads: 315-ish.
Not sure about fat levels. Fairly lean…you can see blurry abs.
I’d like to get down to about 180-185.
Flame mode = On
You are 5’9" at 190 and you think you are too large? At that size, you qualify for “not anorexic”, not “big-ass mofo”. Flame mode = Off
Brief Advice:
As Phill stated, you need to change your diet
High-rep sets induce hypertrophy. To prevent more hypertrophy while keeping strength, use low rep sets and stay under the 30-50 total rep range. 5x5, 8x3, etc.
Suggesting this causes me actual pain, but try long distance running. It tends to help reduce size.
[quote]bkavulla wrote:
I’ve been much larger and as i’ve gotten older, being a massive ox is not as important as it once was. That’s all.
I fully understand why you might change your goals. I myself have recently changed from wanting to be fuckin huge to being more functional and athletic. Which includes being able to run and swim, lift heavy weight, stay lean and look good.
However, the reason you’re getting flamed isn’t because of that. They are justifiably ripping on you because of your claim of being “a massive ox” and “too big”. You are by far neither of those.
[quote]carter12 wrote:
bkavulla wrote:
I’ve been much larger and as i’ve gotten older, being a massive ox is not as important as it once was. That’s all.
I fully understand why you might change your goals. I myself have recently changed from wanting to be fuckin huge to being more functional and athletic. Which includes being able to run and swim, lift heavy weight, stay lean and look good.
However, the reason you’re getting flamed isn’t because of that. They are justifiably ripping on you because of your claim of being “a massive ox” and “too big”. You are by far neither of those.
Well i should’ve said: “I am bigger than i would like to be.” And please read. I did not, nor did i ever say i was a “massive ox”. I said i have no interest in pursuing that anymore, as i did when i was younger.
And yes, carter, what you described is exactly what i was asking. A more functional and athletic look.
To the rest of the locker room:
Sorry to offend all you big heavy guys.
You sure showed me.
May you all get bigger and heavier by the second.
Getting leaner has more to do with diet than training. Start a food log today. I’d give you some more of my tips but you’d probably be better of running a search on this site.