I was wondering if you ever tried to train on a mass/strengh/endurance mixed training program and be on a low-carb diet?
I know thats not the way to gain muscle…cause to gain mass you have to eat for mass…
But the problem is…I have been on a low-carb diet and high reps/high volume training (hypertrophy) for all summer long and I only lost about 2% of BF…
Now my coach give me a strenght/mass+endurance training program and my nutrition coach gave me a low-carb diet…
Do you think its a good idea to lose fat this way? I think Chris Thibodeau wrote an article on that and prefer a mass/strengh training with a low carb diet in order to lose fat and maintain muscle mass…
Heres my profile: 177 lbs, BF:16,5%, 21 Years old, 5feet6, 3 years 1/2 of training…
Wow! I’m surprised you aren’t burned out from doing the high rep/high endurance stuff.
I definitely agree that strength should be your first concern while trying to get leaner, and that you should try to do whatever you can to lose the fat but keep your strength.
You would be much better off doing something that allows you to use heavier weights and a moderate amount of volume. I believe the Mutation Series by CT is one good program to accomplish this, as well as CW’s Big Boy Basics, TTT and possibly even ABBH.
What sport are you training for? You have to recognize what impact (if any) body fat levels or body size have on performance; especially for the individual athlete (in this case, you).
If your chosen sport requires a low body fat level for optimum performance, then that should be your primary focus. If size is what will maximize performance, then you must accept that as your main goal. Either way, choose wisely and follow-through (likely the most important part of the equation).
Not to get all ‘Yoda’ on you, but try to break down your goals (or a coach’s goals for you) by establishing ‘why’ you are pursuing them. If you focus less on the ‘how’ and more on the ‘why’ when facing a challenge, you will find that methods of application to meet said challenge will unfold more logically. Answering the ‘why’ reduces the permutations of ‘how’ through a process of specificity; in your case, size vs. body fat levels.
Once the decision is made, find a source you trust and (once again) follow-through. You said you have a coach and that he has a plan for you. If that’s the case, then do it. On the other hand, if trust is an issue then you need to seek aid elsewhere. This is not a slight against your coach, just an observation that you need to recognize if it’s relevant.
If you are the self-motivated type, you’ll find everything you need to achieve a goal through the careful selection of any number of programs on this site (just use the search engine and type in your goal).
Judging from your comment it looks like you’re more concerned with fat loss.
Stop doing high rep/low intensity training for fat loss. It doesn’t work - I’ve seen it time and time again (and now so have you).
Try Meltdown II or III and you won’t be disappointed. CT’s mutation series looks like a great program too, but I can’t say I’ve tried it (although his results were amazing).
You should do alright on low carb diet, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Try a moderate-carb approach and see how it works for you…looking at your stats I’d say 200g on training days (50g at breakfast, 100g post-workout, 50g next meal after workout) and 100g on non-training days (50g at breakfast, 50g at second meal). But that’s just me.
If you’re not happy with the results you’ve seen so far, CHANGE YOUR PROGRAM.
I’ve seen trained athletes (including college athletes) simultaneously gain strength and lose 3% bodyfat in a MONTH by combining Meltdown-style training (3 days per week) and 2 sprint workouts a week.
ok first of all, I only practice bodybuilding. I’m not a football player or anything…so my goal is to be big and lean…(of course)
The reason why I was asking you your results about a low-carb diet with a strenght/endurance type of training is because I consult 2 coaches…
1 for nutrition and another for training.
No one of them has the complete certification on both domain so im trying to mix up both of their advices regarding my goals.
By the way…do you think its possible to eat a moderated-carb diet on training days and a low carb diet on rest days in order to lose BF and gain strengh and maybe some mass? Is it realistic?
BTW, i’m some kind of a mixed type…so my body tend to store fat quickly when I eat a lot of carbs…