G’day Guys, 1st time poster here.
I’ve been trying to research and everywhere I look new information pops up.
Have been training on and off for a long time and am now 48 yo and it’s almost time for my first cycle.
What I HAD planned was 250mg test-e on Mondays with the same dose of Deca on Thursdays for a 14 week cycle, with a PCT at the end, but after reading the info you guys have shared here, well, there’s plenty.
I’m in a small country town and there’s no one here I can just sit down and have a conversation with someone in the know.
I would get blood work done first. See what your numbers are. You may already be a TRT candidate.
As OSU said, first step is a full blood panel. Helps to identify a baseline and see if anything sticks out. Determining if you might be low T is the best start. If you are low T, then getting that fixed will come before a cycle. I have seen tremendous results just from starting TrT. My T level was a 253 then after fudging with my protocol, 200mgs of Test a week put me at 1285 Test Level. 100mgs a week put me in the high 800’s.
For a first cycle, I would not use multiple compounds. Just run the Test and see how the body performs and responds. If something did go sideways, it becomes easier to identify what the cause was with fewer compounds.
Hey brother,
I would stick with one injectable so that you can know for a fact how your body react to it. .500 mg divided into 2 weekly shots of 250 mgs Monday and Thursday would work great for a first timer. Also, at our age (40’s) always use an AI, such as arimidex at .5 mg mon, wed, and friday would work great. You could also us Hcg at 250 iu twice per week to keep your boys healthy and happy. Stick with a 12 week cycle and have nolvadex at hand in case you get itchy nipples, since you don’t know how your body will react.
Hope this helps…
Good luck brother.
Rightio, so bloods will be done.
Best choice for single compound, Test-e or Deca?
Bearing in mind I get a fair bit of joint pain due to years of fitting tyres and working on concrete.
Between 20 and 30 thousand steps a day leaves my hips, knees and ankles feeling pretty ordinary along with a sketchy elbow.
Its always advised to take Test as a base. Deca is known for helping joints. But it wont help if the joints are already worn/needs replacement.
What are your stats?
Well the blood work will help determine which route you go, Cycle or TrT. The decision is not really between Deca or Test.
First Cycle should be Test, 400-500mgs per week, 250mgs twice per week. For 12 weeks. Skip 2 weeks then start PCT.
If the results of blood work indicate Low T, it would be recommended to start TrT and get a protocol dialed in for up to a year before starting a cycle.
Age 48
Height 180cm
Weight 100kg
Bench 130kg
DL 230kg
SQ 150kg
Test ONLY for a first cycle!
You need to read up on Deca because it is the only compound that has a known side effect that all guys would hate to get with a nickname that includes the compounds name, “deca dick.” Deca dick is the name you give your junk after the nandrolone turns it into a deflated limp floppy flap of flesh. And you don’t know if your are suceptable until you try it and get it! Yes it’s great for joints but really any wet aromatizing compound that is less Androgenic should return similar results because it’s the collagen synthesis you are after. So dbol, and eq will also help the collagen synthesis. If you are willing to risk trying deca this late in life then and this goes for anyone because it’s just a smart way to test the water, try NPP first. It’s the same hormone, nandrolone, but it’s much shorter half life would allow it to vacate your system sooner if you did have a bad reaction. I really think the whole reason deca has such a bad possible list of side effects is that it just stays in the system so long it causes more permanent issues.
The pre prescribed arimidex dosage one of the other responders listed is not a good idea to follow blindly, everyone is different so you don’t know how you will do on a dosage that works for him. Start your test only cycle and wait, if you get signs of high estrogen then start a dose of 0.5 mgs on injections days, provided you go with 500mgs of test enanthate or cypionate per week in two equal doses. Really you probably won’t need any arimidex and even 0.5 mgs might be too much, you won’t know until you try it. And remember we NEED some estrogen especially if you experience joint pain.
The response your body is going to have to just a healthy 500mgs or so of test is going to change how you feel, move, and go through your day. I bet with the added muscle strength alone you will get from the test your joints will feel a million times better because your muscle will take more of the load vs thee joint it self. Yet I am not a doctor. Time and Time again people with serious health issues and pain take Testosterone and the pain goes away, it doesn’t necessarily fix the issue but effectively it takes care of it.
There is a reason basically EVERYONE who has run cycles tells the new guy to only run test the first time. Just follow the conscious wisdom of the group because there is a laundry list of reasons and it has proven to be the better choice.