It was the warmup before 700
Weird that he posted that warmup rep so recently (post accident) still with the comp date in the post.
I think Larry outsmarted you with a 3000 iq post. To be fair he wrote that shoulder is k
It makes me wonder if this whole thing was a publicity stunt, two videos with injuries that could have him drop out of the meet and now people are talking about it. Maybe there was no injury and it was all staged. When I see a meet video then I will pay attention.
It’s all about staying relevant.
Just look how many comments we’ve got in here.
I hear that some people make money directly off Instagram, once you have enough views then you can make money somehow and of course there are sponsorships, plus Larry sells clothes and programs. I’m not trying to stop him from making a living, but I have more important things to concern myself with like squat depth and questionable deadlift lockouts and such.
Like dis?
That’s just ridiculous. Why would someone even train to squat like that? It doesn’t make any sense. I think people need to boycott Slingshot for promoting this sort of nonsense, it brings the whole sport into disrepute. No wonder Reebok disowned the meet.
To be fair, back in the 70s squats were also very high. I mean check some of Larry pacificos squats. He always squatted above parallel.
Put up a video for us. From what I have seen, back in those days they were pretty strict with depth.
There is a classic video on YouTube where he squatted after that crazy ass blonde dude, who snapped his legs.
I only see two videos that aren’t a bunch of other bullshit and both of them are to depth, so you better come up with some evidence for us.
Is it really such a big deal this judging. I mean, even stabilizing and moving weight these guys move ismore any of us will ever do .
I could understand if we were all stronger than these guys but comeon, there is so much butt hurt in here that none of use have the right to complain if none of us are lifting what these select few can lift.
If y’all wanna complain, then go to these organisations in person and voice your concerns, otherwise, quit being butthurt and keyboard warriors.
I don’t think people complain about depth calls because they’re jealous. Bs judging takes away from the integrity of powerlifting.
More than having 147 different federations with 17 subdivisons per weightclass resulting in everyone who competes having a world record?
That’s up there
Yeah, you’re right, judging is totally unnecessary. Just unracking a big weight should be automatic white lights.
How do you go from making unfounded accusations against one of the greatest lifters of all time to this? Is this how you added 80kg to your squat in 3 months?
If I half squat 700 then will you take my complaints seriously?
Coming to that conclusion requires critical thinking skills, which explains why many people just can’t understand it.
Weird take from someone who’s aspiration is international powerlifting
His aspiration is to squat high as fuck and have nobody say anything.