what was he using exactly??anyone know???
Probably never know
EPO for sure, maybe some EQ or something but that’d make him too heavy and crampy… idk for sure.
That man was a fucking G though
aicar, gw1516 and trioxy ( itpp ) possibly who knows, pharmaceutical companies would make anything for that guy.
I bet he did smaller injections of test base on nights where he didnt believe he would be tested the next day. That would clear, wouldnt it?
Armstrong: “My cocktail so to speak was EPO, transfusions and testosterone”
I’m watching it right now. You can tell he is tired of living a big lie.
Out of curiosity, do you think tested athletes use esters or suspension? If there aren’t any stealth metabolites to set off alarms then a day or two of lead time would be enough for test:epitest ratios to fall in range. Any good links on the science of doping/drug testing? I like to nerd that stuff out.
Top percentile TRT (perhaps more) + EPO + Amphetamines + Adrenal Analogues + GHRP+GHRH (designer analogues?) + ASA
Combined with high altitude training and blood doping.
We’re talking RBC counts high enough that his blood could be confused with maple syrup.
Oh baby, I’m getting a performance enhancement boner right now. If I had to guess his regime would be pretty close to the above.
Most of those guys have their own hyperbaric chamber to sleep in as well.
I felt let down when he revealed what he did. I fantasized more.
[quote]demonthrall wrote:
I felt let down when he revealed what he did. I fantasized more.
In a way but this little amount PED’s just shows that with or without, Lance is a fucking machine. I dont care how much drugs you give an average joe they will never come close to his accomplishments.
I think his cycle was more like Stem cell replacement from an Ethiopian long distance runner mixed with testosterone harvested from rhino’s or some shit.
[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
[quote]demonthrall wrote:
I felt let down when he revealed what he did. I fantasized more.
In a way but this little amount PED’s just shows that with or without, Lance is a fucking machine. I dont care how much drugs you give an average joe they will never come close to his accomplishments.
I think his cycle was more like Stem cell replacement from an Ethiopian long distance runner mixed with testosterone harvested from rhino’s or some shit.[/quote]
Right. Transfusions were a method of covering up doping, they didnt do anything performance wise. Theres no fucking way his testosterone use helped much, as Im convinced he didnt use much, or guys like us would notice some of the side effects, not to mention muscle growth.
I think that the interview was another example of him trying to ‘win’ and be a control freak who needs to get the last word. If so, he could be on way more shit, and this was his way of still trying to prove that he was exceptional.
[quote]demonthrall wrote:
[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
[quote]demonthrall wrote:
I felt let down when he revealed what he did. I fantasized more.
In a way but this little amount PED’s just shows that with or without, Lance is a fucking machine. I dont care how much drugs you give an average joe they will never come close to his accomplishments.
I think his cycle was more like Stem cell replacement from an Ethiopian long distance runner mixed with testosterone harvested from rhino’s or some shit.[/quote]
Right. Transfusions were a method of covering up doping, they didnt do anything performance wise. Theres no fucking way his testosterone use helped much, as Im convinced he didnt use much, or guys like us would notice some of the side effects, not to mention muscle growth.
I think that the interview was another example of him trying to ‘win’ and be a control freak who needs to get the last word. If so, he could be on way more shit, and this was his way of still trying to prove that he was exceptional.[/quote]
Transfusions do more than allow you to do more than just cover up the doping. Something about using it to increase RBC or platelettes or something. I think the method is that you take blood weeks or months before your contest, and then harvest the RBC or platellets from it and put those back into your body increasing your RBC and endurance. I can’t remember the details, but its more interesting than you draw it down to.
Of note, I feel like shit when my RBC gets too high on my TRT. I feel like it negatively affects my cardio haha…I will never understand how it is an endurance booster…but I’m also a fat powerlifter.
And I think he probably did more than he is letting on. I would be very surprised if Winny was not part of his cocktail.
Yes, you’re absolutely right. He should have used the widely known term “blood doping” if he was honest. That’s what everyone else seems to refer to injecting your own red blood cells as. Transfusions makes it sound like he’s getting a fresh clean batch of blood.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
[quote]demonthrall wrote:
[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
[quote]demonthrall wrote:
I felt let down when he revealed what he did. I fantasized more.
In a way but this little amount PED’s just shows that with or without, Lance is a fucking machine. I dont care how much drugs you give an average joe they will never come close to his accomplishments.
I think his cycle was more like Stem cell replacement from an Ethiopian long distance runner mixed with testosterone harvested from rhino’s or some shit.[/quote]
Right. Transfusions were a method of covering up doping, they didnt do anything performance wise. Theres no fucking way his testosterone use helped much, as Im convinced he didnt use much, or guys like us would notice some of the side effects, not to mention muscle growth.
I think that the interview was another example of him trying to ‘win’ and be a control freak who needs to get the last word. If so, he could be on way more shit, and this was his way of still trying to prove that he was exceptional.[/quote]
Transfusions do more than allow you to do more than just cover up the doping. Something about using it to increase RBC or platelettes or something. I think the method is that you take blood weeks or months before your contest, and then harvest the RBC or platellets from it and put those back into your body increasing your RBC and endurance. I can’t remember the details, but its more interesting than you draw it down to.
Of note, I feel like shit when my RBC gets too high on my TRT. I feel like it negatively affects my cardio haha…I will never understand how it is an endurance booster…but I’m also a fat powerlifter.
And I think he probably did more than he is letting on. I would be very surprised if Winny was not part of his cocktail.
I read Marco Pantani’s biography and the author said they had their own hematocrit testers with them on tour to ensure that they always kept their levels just below 50%, the maximal accepted levels. Apparently when they were told they were required for drug testing if they thought they would be high, they delayed the test for some bullshit reason, attached an IV drip to the cyclist and pumped fluid into their blood supply to dilute their red blood cells count.
Sounded like most of them were doing it… Kind of like a cat and mouse game with the testers to see who could get away with the most.
[quote]Mr Stern wrote:
I read Marco Pantani’s biography and the author said they had their own hematocrit testers with them on tour to ensure that they always kept their levels just below 50%, the maximal accepted levels. Apparently when they were told they were required for drug testing if they thought they would be high, they delayed the test for some bullshit reason, attached an IV drip to the cyclist and pumped fluid into their blood supply to dilute their red blood cells count.
Sounded like most of them were doing it… Kind of like a cat and mouse game with the testers to see who could get away with the most.[/quote]
Its amazing what blood doping/infusions/transfusions(whatever your want to call it) can do. I was referred by a good friend to a certain Dr who he used to compete with. My main reason for seeing him was to get blood spinning for both my shoulders. Long story short, he said your a friend of >>>> and Im going to give you a free ride on some IV fluids. I was like ok sure, I guess. So they take me into this room where there going to draw blood and and administer the infusions. I walk in and there are 2 St louis Blues hockey players and one very famous Cardinal baseball player (people dont steal on him) sitting there on IV bags. I was going to ask what all was in the infusions but at this point I was like fuck it, i will have what there having! So the infusion had something that increased my RBC, Amino acids of all kinds, saline and dextrose and some other crap. Thing is I felt awesome for the next 7-10 days, workouts and recovery was so easy. Zero fatigue, sleep good and just felt unbreakable.
I have another blood spinning shoulder injection coming up and cant wait for appt! If you have not had it done I highly recommend it
Appears to be a trek. Based on this website: Lance Armstrong: Blow to kids' idol, brings new respect for Dad - CSMonitor.com
[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
Its amazing what blood doping/infusions/transfusions(whatever your want to call it) can do. I walk in and there are 2 St louis Blues hockey players and one very famous Cardinal baseball player (people dont steal on him) sitting there on IV bags. I was going to ask what all was in the infusions but at this point I was like fuck it, i will have what there having! So the infusion had something that increased my RBC, Amino acids of all kinds, saline and dextrose and some other crap. Thing is I felt awesome for the next 7-10 days, workouts and recovery was so easy. Zero fatigue, sleep good and just felt unbreakable.
I have another blood spinning shoulder injection coming up and cant wait for appt! If you have not had it done I highly recommend it[/quote]
So it’s not even drugs, but “something that increased my RBC, Amino acids of all kinds, saline and dextrose and some other crap”? Nice.