Hey guys, I just, a week ago started training with “ladders” on all my movements. Its an old idea, I guess, I caught a rundown on it by Dan John. Ive used ladders to improve my chinups but had never thought to try them for weight progression, rahther than just reps.
Anyways, here it is. You use a weight that its about 80%(7 or 8 rm) and do sets with it, going from 1-5 in a set, with the rests roughly as long as the set took. If you have a partner you can do “I go, you go”. Then a series up to 4 then up to 3 and so on, so a complete ladder looks like:1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1.
It allows for a pretty good volume at 80%, and when you can hit all the way and not miss any reps, you bump weight.
What do yall think? Any feedback, or anything. My main goal is to increase strength moreso than size. Not that I dont need both, but first things first, right?
I just finished week 1, going 3 days a week at it, using: bench, barbell rows, squats, and chins. I will stay on it at least a month or so, just to keep from switching around too much. Any tips on better ideas or feedback appreciated. Be well, and GOD bless.