Lactose Intolerance/Milk

I am lactose intolerant and was wondering if that would affect the absorbtion of milk. I usally have 1-2L a day spaced apart and usally just get gas and a small stomach ache . I will get the poops if I have over 500ml (approx) in one sitting.

I have upped (is that a word?) my milk consumption to at least 2L a day in order to get some extra Cal/Pro/Fat but I didnt really think about how my intolerance would effect the absorbtion of these.


Very interesting question. I’ve always thought that lactose intolerant people just avoided milk. Lactose is osmotically active right? So I imagine that it makes your whole digestive system hold more water than it normally should. I wonder if a higher concentration of water might prevent proper digestion of the fats and protein of the meals you eat with milk.

Sorry I don’t have the answer for you but I think its very good question.

It will not directly affect your absorption rate of protein and fats, however, the lactose sugars you cannot digest (as soon as you feel the bloating and stomach discomfort) will ferment in your digestive tract until your body gets rid of them with the appropriate bacteria…

Whether this will stymy the absorption rate of other foods is another question, but depending on the “severity” of your intolerance (some people can produce lactase enzymes to deal with around 20-30 g of the lactose sugar, others no more than 3-4)I would avoid this. Yoghurt may be a better choice, as IMO good yoghurt has a better nutritional profile, has less of an insulin response, and has -some- lactase enzymes which will partially help digestion.

Go organic. I’m LI and dont have any problems with organic skim/fat free milk. Also I drink Carb Countdown chocolate milk. It doesnt have the fake flavor of the plain. Organic also has higher protein than Carb Countdown and regular skim milk I believe.

I’m also lactose intolerant (gas, bloating, etc), so I drink lactose free milk (I’m assuming they sell lactose free milk in Canada?). Here in Texas I usually buy Lactaid or Organic Valley which also has a lactose free milk. I assume absorption is fine with lactose free milk. PS. I usually drink half gallon a day.

I’m LI too and I wouldnt dare drink 2L of milk a day!!! As recommanded by St3v3 drink lactose free milk available at almost every grocery stores.

PGA200X you’re saying organic milk wont cause lactose intolerance? I find it hard to beleive, could you make sure I read this right? Thanx.

I just avoid milk all together (very lactose intolerant) For about 4 years I did the forcing thing and went no where with it exept constantly sitting ont he toilet and getting horrible stomach cramps everywhere I went. I feel much better since I stopped and filled up the void with other foods such as shakes, peanut butter, and more steak.

Why not just use the lactase pills prior to consuming milk?

[quote]PGA200X wrote:
Go organic. I’m LI and dont have any problems with organic skim/fat free milk. Also I drink Carb Countdown chocolate milk. It doesnt have the fake flavor of the plain. Organic also has higher protein than Carb Countdown and regular skim milk I believe.[/quote]

Same here! If I drink regualr skim I get a stomach ache, bloating and I get gas so bad I spend most of my time running away from myself! I pray for the poor souls left behind.

With organic I have no problems at all. Thank god.