My eyes glazed over and all I saw were flies.
So this is what we have :
Incline benchpress
45 x 12 – doesn’t count
95 x 10 – doesn’t count
135 x 8 – prep work
145 x 4 – 1 actual working set ? Not sure… the drop in reps usually means its heavier? But you did 135 … at…
*If you can do 8 @ 135 ->>>> I don’t see why you can’t do 8 at 145.
Flat benchpress
45 x 12 – doesn’t count
95 x 10 – doesn’t count
135 x 6 – prep work –
225 x4 – 1 actual working set
Working sets 2 total total.
You basically are on the light/skinny side and need to add more muscle, re-evaluate the volume of working sets. I don’t see you trying hard as much as cop-ing out on yourself.
Your incline bench #'s are drastically low.
Based on the progression and #s it doesnt look like you try to stimulate your muscles, as much as get as quickly as possible to a certain poundage. Then halt… meaning that you don’t get much in the way of working sets. It is sort of like the term " failure to launch ". We load the system, the pilot or tech has been trained, target is acquired, blah blah. And the pilot you. Upon reaching a working set. Shuts the system down.
Now if we look at your formula for lifting…
We move incline to
225 x 10 ← something to aim for
We move flat to
225 x 10 ← something to aim for
Then we’ll start cooking.
Oh and your abdominals dominate your frame… Looks like in your training, your cardio to stay lean and your weighted ab routine have given you the misection you wanted but they overpower the rest of your frame. Back Chest Shoulders Arms etc.
So you get a [ C- ] for effort on your chest routine.
I’d be kinder if you were doing
135x 10
155x 8
175x 6
225x 4 for flat bench
Once you are warmed up ~ say you did your prep lifts for incline then went to flat ~ you don’t have to warm-up again. Go to your working sets already.