Lack of Chest Development

Everything could be a lil bigger but i think my chest in particular is lacking. The upper area of the chest is what needs development and i been trying all diff techniques to get it to grow but it wont. I only have one chest day atm so i am thinking i should make a second.

So what you think so far? And what do you think needs evening out and more development?

You have no nipples and your beard is covering your whole face.

[quote]stockzy wrote:
You have no nipples and your beard is covering your whole face.


OP how about a pic showing your chest?

[quote]stockzy wrote:
You have no nipples and your beard is covering your whole face.


Maybe your chest is underdeveloped because you don’t even know what it is…

Tits or GTFO.

I think your chest is too big. Stop training it.

waits for someone who barely graduated high school to try and diagnose some advanced spinal disorder from an internet posing picture

Your pic is seriously what the fu… alright never mind that. A good (but yet underrated) exercise for upper chest development u can do would be the floor press. This happens to be the no.1 upper chest exercise for Dr. Clay Hyght too:)
Since you only have 1 chest session per week… I suggest that 2/3 of ur chest exercises be focusing on upper chest exercises. For example:

Floor Press
Inclince Dumbbell Press
Incline dumbbell Flyes
Flat Dummbbell Press (Just to maintain the development of ur lower/middle chest area)

Good luck :slight_smile:
P.S. It would help if u ACTUALLY face the camera so we can see ur chest development!!

Not to upset your applecart there, but us educated types can do JUST AS GOOD a job mis-diagnosing spinal disorders online.

OP, you may have scoliosis!!! (HAH, I win the interwebz)

[quote]Professor X wrote:
I think your chest is too big. Stop training it.

waits for someone who barely graduated high school to try and diagnose some advanced spinal disorder from an internet posing picture[/quote]

least the guy posted a pic, granted he picked the wrong one.

[quote]lcsilva wrote:
Maybe your chest is underdeveloped because you don’t even know what it is…[/quote]


[quote]tribunaldude wrote:
Not to upset your applecart there, but us educated types can do JUST AS GOOD a job mis-diagnosing spinal disorders online.

OP, you may have scoliosis!!! (HAH, I win the interwebz)

Professor X wrote:
I think your chest is too big. Stop training it.

yah, we might as well stop posting here. scoliosis it is.

waits for someone who barely graduated high school to try and diagnose some advanced spinal disorder from an internet posing picture


LMFAO!!!..sick back but a total FAIL.

hahahahahaha thank you OP.

I like this thread.

Oh man, this is great.

what a great troll job. well played.

[quote]stockzy wrote:
You have no nipples and your beard is covering your whole face.


[quote]Nakahhh wrote:
stockzy wrote:
You have no nipples and your beard is covering your whole face.


Same goes to you!

Hi GymJunk,

Get a photo of your chest and then maybe I could give you some thoughts. Usually lacking body parts come down to some simple things you need to change.

Without knowing much more about you there is a chance you are not working your chest correctly or with enough volume. Most lifters focus too much on using too much weight when it comes to bodybuilding and they choose exercises that do not address their needs but that really can’t be assessed without a better photo or a sample workout.

Outside of that everything would just be a blind guess. But to honor professor X with an over scientific analysis, you could have a weak chest because of your genetic bone structure or the type of muscle you have in your chest such higher threshold fibers in your pecs versus lower threshold ones in your arms or shoulders which is very common in guys with small backs and big arms/shoulders. In english that just means that your body does a better job recruiting some muscles over others. In this case exercise selection plus using a lighter weight and focusing more on the muscle and not the weight or movement, tends to do the trick.

You have good muscularity though.

Mike Cruickshank