I’ve been to a new doctor who has a special interest in HRT. He’s the first doctor who admitted my T is not “normal” and just because it’s in the labs range, doesn’t mean it is optimal for health.
He re-tested my T, E2, and for the first time he wanted to test my DHEA, Prenenolone, Vit D, and HGH. All came back “in range” according to LabCorp except my T. This was the first lab my T was out of the labs range.
I go back to see him Friday, but his notes on the lab work I picked up today say adrenal fatigue and “need to proceed with adrenal replacement”.
A couple questions/concerns in regards to this… if I supplemented DHEA/Prenenolone wouldn’t I be at higher risk of elevated E2? If so- is that more of a risk than elevated E2 from TRT? The DHEA and Pregnenolone are new terms to me… this is the first doctor who drew a diagram and showed me how the major hormones start / end up etc.
In the attachment- yellow is in lab range, but not a good number. Red is out of range. Green is optimal. Orange the new doctor said were too low (even though in range for LabCorp) and everything else is in range and I’m not sure if optimal or not.
Like I said I got back on Friday and this guy is pretty open to running additional lab work. Are there any other labs I should get done?
What are your thoughts on how to proceed?
Below are answers to the questionnaire thing…
-age - 29
-height - 5’10"
-waist - 35" ??
-weight - 155
-describe body and facial hair - body hair is thin (fine) so doesn’t look like I have much. facial hair- not very much, i have a goatee but keep it longer than ideal to fill it out. almost none on my cheeks and jaw line. no sideburns. won’t grow. hair on chest- mainly in the middle only, little bit on stomach around belly button and below down to the pubic area. generally male hair characteristics. except on head- no MPB just getting thinner all over with time.
-describe where you carry fat and how changed - most is carried in the torso. problem areas are lovehandles, little bit of a gut, gynecomastia as well. not horrible, but enough to make me self conscious about it… thighs have a little jiggle but not out of proportion really. lower legs and arms are pretty thin.
-health conditions, symptoms [history] anxiety, low energy, generally low sex drive but no erectile problems, poor motivation and drive, slightly depressed, not interested in much. feel like i’m surviving, not living. headaches happen relatively frequently this year. stressed out and irritable.
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever - alprazolam (taken for years but cut back significantly to just 1x .25mg daily), advil as needed. used to take benadryl nightly, cut that out as well. no hair loss or prostate drugs.
-lab results with ranges - see attachment
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets]- not the best diet, some would say poor. i try to limit sugars and too much fats. i don’t follow a plan, but do my best to avoid sugars and sweets. it’s a work in progress…
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training] - another work in progress. i have weights in the house, whenever i feel i have the energy i do as much as i can. sometimes that is 3x a week, other times its not at all.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? - not with fever. sometimes they ache or are more sensitive. i suspect i have a varicocele, but doctor told me otherwise. i think he’s wrong and wonder how he graduated med school… o.O
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed - i used to get morning wood almost all the time when i was younger. it happens sometimes, but not often. sex is not an issue for me- i can get it up with no problems and still get them when i don’t want them at times.
If I’m missing anything or if you have some feedback please let me know. I appreciate any and all help.