Krzysztof Wierzbicki 1016lbs x 3 Training Deadlift (Big Deadlift Thread!)

Sumo guys are crazy. I stand by my previous statement that someone will beat Thor’s 501kg record using a sumo stance.


Careful, it’s almost as if you’re implying Sumo is easier

I got a bunch of flak for saying this in another thread :joy:


I mean, if it was harder - why would people switch to sumo once they’ve plateau’d in conventional?

Incoming hatemail in 3…2…1…


I thought sumo was banned in strongman.

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It depends on the comp rules. If they don’t specify conventional only, it can be done. That doesn’t happen very often, but I’ve seen it I believe. JPS and Geoff capes I think I’ve seen use it at the WSM.

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Nothing is banned in strongman, as there is no strongman rulebook. Rules are determine for each competition. People have pulled sumo in strongman before.

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Was Thor/Eddie hall deadlifts in strongman? I honestly just assumed. Was it a comepetion or like deadlift only?
All i know is powerlifting. When someone asked “who has the WR deadlift?” Untill a few weeks ago id respond Bennie. Now Grisby, which is really impressive since it was in a full meet.

They weren’t in a strongman competition, no. Eddie’s was in a deadlift competition judged by strongman judges. Thors, I believe, was an unofficial deadlift attempt. Records in strongman are silly enough as it is.

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Speaking of Danny Grigsby, here he is pulling 915 x 3 raw.


Knee scrape at 0:12

Damn impressive lift, and more than I’ll ever do. I just have a hard time getting behind the ROM for this - but I’m not a strength/strongman competitor so I guess IDRC either :slightly_smiling_face:

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And here’s Wierzbicki doing 490kg/1080lbs with no belt. 500kg is coming.

And another big deadlifter, Jamal Browner pulling 903 x 2 conventional. He’s done 971 sumo in competion and 1050 with straps in the gym, and even tried to equal Thor’s 501kg/1104lb lift.

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502.5kg done today. Looked “easy”.

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Yikes. 230 - 240lbs bodyweight and a smile at the top!


Strongman Mitchell Hooper 475kg/1047lbs conventional.

Cory Jenkins 945lbs.

The Deadlift world record has been waiting for a man built like this… once he switches to sumo, its game over for everyone.

Feel free to disregard the audio

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He’s tailor built for conventional pulling. I think sumo would be a really poor decision for him.


I agree, I’m just saying if he went wide sumo, he could probably lock out before the weight leaves the mat.

I don’t think he’ll be able to get into a decent position. I’m built like that dude: sumo is AWFUL for me to try.

Like, with how long his legs are, he’ll basically need to do the splits.

But that IS why sumo doesn’t happen much in strongman. On an elevated pull, you can basically deadlift infinity.