Krav Maga

Has anyone every tried Krav Maga? I tried it over the weekend. It is a street combat form of self defense used by the Israeli Special Forces. The training was excellent and the exercises kicked my butt! I would suggest it as a great substitute for boring cardio!

Krav Maga is one nasty ass fighting style, it’s very hard to train in though as if you did 100% sparring often you’d have quite a few injuries - it’s very street effective though. I train BJJ myself as well as freestyle and a little greco.

KM is getting a big marketing push but I wouldnt believe the hype - watch some UFCs and Prides to see what works. If you want to do good cardio AND learn to fight Goose has the right idea (you dont train at boxing works do you goose???). Sparring often leads to injuries, and serious and commpetetive wrestling pretty much always results in some strain.

Sorry haven’t gotten back to you sooner - but yeah I train some hands, as well as some limited thai. The reason for Krav Maga not being effective the one time it was represented in the UFC is supposedly because the techniques they use are illegal and the good old cliche ‘if I fought you seriously you’d die and I don’t want to kill you’ Lol give me a break - the reason it isn’t effective is because it sounds great in practice, but just like in Karate or Kung Fu or some McDonalds fighting style like that you never get to spar or test your abilities. I’m not dissing Krav Maga - it has serious potential - it’s just hard to find a way to effectivly train it and not learn to pull your eye gouges and nut grabs/strikes and viscious submission attempts(if you want to call it submission - usually it is just breaking) Therefore, when put in a situation you can’t fight. Look at Fred Ettish’s fight - ridiculous. The only things that work in a real (or sportive nhb) fight are direct simple techniques. How many ufc fights have you seen won by an omaplata or bicep/calf lock lol? I’m getting long winded and losing track of my point since I can’t see my whole post lol. That’s enough.