Probably not very relevant, but I bought a pair of Emerge knee sleeves a couple months ago, it’s my first pair, going by the review I read before buying and from experience they don’t really offer much support or anything, mostly keep the knee warm.
On squat day, I put them on when changing before the workout and keep them on from start to finish, mostly cause I’m lazy and it’s easier to put them on before the pants.
Any reason I should not do it, maybe use them only for heavier sets or whatelse?
They will wear out faster.
They’ll lose whatever support they do offer faster. Will stink up the place faster if you sweat a lot or don’t air them. You can drop them down to your ankles when done to save yourself taking off shoes or whatnot tho it looks a bit strange.
Hey now! Just wait a minute! Looks a bit strange? What you talking about? Wearing them this way is the 2018 version of 1980’s leg warmers. Don’t be trying to steal my joy!
If you squat big enough weight no one questions where the knee sleeves go
Every Saturday, my sleeves go on at 9am and they come off at 1130am.
They are SBDs and they have lost nothing in over a year (I have heard the newest batch of SBDs aren’t as good as the older stuff, so YMMV). I also had Rehbands and they started to struggle after 3ish months and were falling down by 6.
I do find the seams irritate me a little the longer they are on. The elbow sleeves are the worst.
…wish this was the case, lol.
Guess I’ll find a middle ground and put them on after warmup and warmup sets until the end of the workout, not really concerned in them losing supportive power since they don’t seem to offer much in that regard anyway.
And, holy shit yes, they stink. I air them for days after I use them, luckily