Kettlebell workshop in Santa barbara on December 8th

My workshop in San Jose went very well and a special thanks to Jason Norcross for organizing the workshop. It was great to meet other t-mag readers such as Jason, Rishi Nakra, Jesse, and Kraig. The 15 participants that attended had a great time. My next workshop will be in Santa Barbara on December 8th. I have pre-registration discounts up until November 20th. Please email me at for more information.

WOW, I am sore today !!! What a great HANDS ON workshop. I am already working on a new routine to incorporate kettlebells. It was great to meet some of the bay area T-Brood and see some amazing athletes in action.

I might have to come to this one. I have yet to use a kettlebell and I need to find out just how much better than dumbbells they are.

Thanks for coming Kraig and Chris you should definitely come to my next workshop and I guarantee that you will see and feel the value of kettlebells first hand.

Mike, can you lay out what a typical training session looks like for you… I tried your Road Work this morning,… damn! that was killer. I’d love to hear more about your training. I wish I could come to a workshop, but I’m in Chicago. Any chance you’ll be out this way at all?

Whether you use kettlebells or not, Mike’s workshops have a lot to offer. His San Jose workshop was my first time using kettlebells and while I still have lots to learn and practice, I feel very comfortable knowing that I learned the correct form and application of many exercises using kettlebells. Even if you never pursue kettlebell lifting, the techniques for many of the exercises cross over to dumbell use also.

If you get the chance, you should definately attend, but make sure you plan to come fresh and not workout for at least 2 days after the workshop. I'm finally just starting to recover. It is amazing what you can cover in just a few hours.

Jason, thanks a lot for coming and for organizing the workshop. Ryno, glad that you liked my Roadwork article and my training varies a lot as I travel a great deal. When I am home in Santa Monica I primarily train with kettlebells. I also do some bodyweight drills such as headstand leg raises and one legged squats.

My current Kb weekly worjout is: M-W-F: Kettlebell clean and presses with 2 80lb kettlebells for singles. Followed by 2 kettlebell windmills with the 80s and then 2 kettlebell swings to chest level. On t-th I do Kb snatches with an 88lb bell for several sets of 6-10, windmills with the 88lb bell, one legged squats, and some one arm presses.

I was a participant in Mike’s San Jose KB workshop, I can personally say, I enjoyed it, it was very informative and having an experienced coach watch and correct your form is invaluable. I have been doing KB training for about a month with books and videos to guide me. Mike’s workshop helped me to improve my technique and gave me several new exercises. It was weel worth the time and I would be willing to pay more. Thanks Mike.

Thanks for the endorsement Randy and good luck with training. Hope to see you again when I am in San Jose next time.

Mike, I sent you an email for info, glad to hear there will be T-man representation in the SB!

Thanks anderson and I hope that you can make it in December.